Do You Have Any Self Respect?

in #life7 years ago

Hi, its your neighborhood hipster here.
Coming at you today with a painfully neglected topic. Self respect, and whatever the frick it means to have it.
Growing up what I was taught was that having respect for yourself was covering yourself top to bottom. Hiding your body from the universe hoping that no one dare sees your bare ankle and gets aroused. I don't want to be sexist but like I've found that this is a much bigger political issue for women than it is for men.
After some thought, I disagree with self respect having to do with anything you wear. Some religions may say otherwise but these are just my opinions. If you have others feel free to share them in the comment section.

To me self respect means taking care of yourself. This means showering/brushing your teeth/ wearing cloths that don't make you feel overheated or too cold. I don't like what society's turned the meaning of self respect into. The literal meaning for self respect is "pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honour and dignity". Humans are so much more than what they wear or physically expose.
If your self expression is legal and isn't hurting anyone than why is it really a problem? It isn't. Having the mindset that people should dress accordingly for our own peace of mind is only going to make us go backwards in time.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is decidedly so

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