Introduction to it all......

in #life7 years ago

So where did it all start. Where did my life get so Fucked up in so many words? I live a life that no one can believe what has happened. So many unbelievable things……

I really don’t know where to start or what order they correctly go in. Somethings would have happened yesterday or even up to 40 years ago.

My life would make a great weekly sitcom. Things happen that don’t seem real, but I’m afraid they are and they’ve happened to me. This has been my life. No exaggeration in anyway. These things have really happened and honestly put into words.

These trials and tribulations have affected me, but never have caused me to lose my sense of humour or live my life in any way but my way…...All be it sometimes having to pay the consequences and it never to anyone’s detriment but my own (well that’s how I see it)

Now the next dilemma is where to start. Some of things I’m gonna to tell you may not be funny to some, but believe you me the funny side of it, is the only thing that has kept me sane and kept me going through my years. That’s how you have to look at things. Otherwise “life will eat you up and kill you”.

You must be wondering by now why I am doing this. It’s not to belittle anyone in my life or payback. It’s not to make my life sound amazing. It’s not to make money. It is just simply to make others aware that whatever happens in life you can get through it. No matter how it makes feel Happy, Sad, Embarrassed, belittled, love, hate, pain or angry.

I’m not going to call them chapters or name times and dates or the people by their real names they are simply going to be called segments. As I am giving you a picture of my life in segments.

SEGMENTS of my life………….

If you like the sound of it , please keep reading my posts and please share. You never know this could help a friend smile in an hour of unhappiness...........


welcome lizziebubble,,,, and good luck

Thank you. .... big hugs

hola! I like your post! Thanks for it! I went to jail because of cryptos... lets make steemit together to a better place with our content! I would like to read a bit more about you and maybe do you have some more pictures? I also just wrote a introduce yourself. Maybe you upvote me and follow me swell as I do?

Thanks for looking. I will follow and upvote you. There will be more pictures as i go on

Looking forward to where your crazy funny life will take us - life is not about the destination it's about the journey that takes us there ......