in #life8 years ago (edited)

HELLO, my name is Lena and I vote YES for marijuana. I am not one who smokes marijuana, but I know quite a few people that do. And let me tell you, I'd rather be around people that smoke than those who drink.

When people smoke, they are relaxed and chilled people compared to people who drink. I understand if it is illegal to smoke while operating a vehicle but it should be completely legal to smoke indoors.

In Amsterdam, it is LEGAL to smoke marijuana and people are allowed to smoke just about anywhere they please. Coffee shops, restaurants, and even the public outdoors.

There is absolutely no good reason for marijuana NOT to be legalized. Did you know that it is costing the government a LOT of money to illegalize marijuana? They are spending billions of dollars a year to have the people that are happy smoking marijuana and putting them in jail, meaning the tax payers have to pay the bill.

Did you know that we have to pay for food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses to lock these people up? Yes people, these are what our tax dollars are paying for. If the government would just legalize marijuana, they would profit from it by collecting taxes on it, thus having more money to pay for other important causes. Marijuana is nothing like heroin, ecstasy, and cocaine. Those are the people that should be getting chased by the police.

Here's another good reason to make marijuana legal.

"Medicinal use: Marijuana can be used as medicine because it helps to stimulate appetite and relieve nausea in cancer and AIDS patients."

You don't see people who use marijuana act like a fool. Well, in some cases you do. But not very much.

We should do a test...almost like a rat lab test:

Grab a group of 20 people, random people that smoke marijuana. Put them in a room for 24 hours. Leave some marijuana in the room for their access. Now watch what happens. I can guarantee that NOTHING happens. No arguments. No fights. Nothing but absolute peace.

Now grab a group of 20 people, random people that love to drink. Put them in a room for 24 hours. Leave some drinks in the room for their access. Now watch what happens. I can guarantee that there's a fifty percent chance that there will be an argument. A fifty percent chance that there will be a fight. And fifty percent chance that there will be NO peace.

Do you see where I'm trying to get at here? Now take it from someone that does not smoke. I am agreeing that marijuana should definitely be legal in all fifty states.


Your Friend,


Hallo from amsterdam ;) There is an issue in the article.
"There is absolutely no good reason for marijuana to be legalized" I think there's no good reason for it to be illegalized.

Did you know that in holland there are a lot of problems here where the coffeeshop has to be resupplied many times per day but they're only allowed to keep a certain amount for it to be legal? They resupply a lot more often than what is legal to store. So they use safehouses for that which they keep hidden and store bigger amounts than the law allows. Sometimes these safehouses get discovered by the police and raided. Then the owner has to go through an entire juridical procedure. This is a major problem for the coffeeshop holders. The justice system has had enough of this problem and has decided to not sentence any coffeeshop holder that gets it's safehouse raided. They're currently blaming the government for faulty law. That's so funny to me. Judges ignoring the law.

whoops, thank you so much for noticing that :)

Upvote for you @lkong87 In my country everybody can have 5 plants. We dont have coffeeshops but you can buy weed in pharmacy.

ALRIGHT! High-five to you! Where abouts do you live? That is some awesome stuff, right there!

Im from Czech Republic. But now i live in Thailand. In Czech Republic its very open for weed. Now we have first cannabis church as well.