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RE: Discrimination, Objectification And Exploitation of Women Dominates Our Culture. We Live In Patriarchy - The Facts For Patriarchy Deniers

in #life8 years ago (edited)

You are bringing personal and subjective anecdotes.

I provided the statistical information.
Women are much more discriminated due to their gender than men. Even if you refuse to recognise this reality, the statistics are clear. Women seldom discriminate men and women due to their gender.
Men discriminate both women and men due to their gender and also men discriminate other men for many other reasons. Men use their gender privilege, as well as physicality to discriminate and exploit women or weaker men. Women seldom use their physicality to exploit or discriminate physically weaker women.
Men use their social status or power to discriminate other men. This is men's world which puts a man in control of everything. Men are not sexually objectified in our culture. Even giving women a control over household derives from traditional, patriarchal and patronizing assumption that this is the role for a woman because she is intellectually or physically uncapable of performing "manly" work.
This all relates to unsustainable gender roles caused value system disorder.
Unsustainable values built around falalcious assumption that women are inferior to men, that they need special treatment becasue there are unable to perfom certain tasks or express certian behaviour.


I said it from the beginning, I can only speak from my experience, which just happens to be rather unique. Not everything is as it seems, and like I said, to speak about benefits, how they are distributed and what their impact is we first need to discuss what can really be called a benefit.

It's like if a woman were to complain about there not being enough women in the military, she could see this for the income and perceived respectability and think it's a blessing, but the men dying alone in the fields would tell a different story. The men that have to sign off their bodies to be regulated or else face losing their freedom would feel differently about it being a benefit.

What is being measured to determine which gender (if any) benefits/suffers most from this system is lacking.

back when people in the west went to war en masse, each gender experienced different, yet both very real and equal hardships. Depends where they lived. North Americans think of women in WW2 as being at home and working in factories to replace men, but what of the lives of women in the nations which had the wars faught on their soil?

I'm with ya, gender discrimination resorts to gross overgeneralization. It has to be about specifics. The individual experience of living as male vs female is so very different in certain spheres it really shouldn't be compared so easily.

To measure what benefits us we need to use scientific reserach as the point of reference. Only science can help us to discover what social conditions/values/behaviours are socially sustainable.

"wars faught on their soil?" Many of women fought in those countries during WW2.

I am not telling you not to use the scientific method, I am telling you using the scientific method won't work unless you also take into consideration the bias of seeing women as the abused and men as the abusers influencing the perceived male/female benefits. If you go into it looking to see more suffering for women that's what you are going to find, but if you actually seek to learn about the struggle of men you will find a lot of them wish they had more room to speak about this subject. Really speak about it, without having to always approach the issue first by recognizing that they have it better than women for it to be acceptable.

Every man that I have met wants a better world, this contradicts the mentality that they are trying to protect the way things are now or are happy with the current state of affairs enough to ignore women's struggles.

When people feel blamed they become defensive, it's unprouctive. I think many men who are anti-feminist have been given a bad impression of it from the 'sensitivity police' style of feminist that is really loud online.

"I am telling you using the scientific method won't work unless you also take into consideration the bias of seeing women "

Scientific method takes into account someone's cognitive bias.

Anyway I was talking about application of science of human behaviour (human behavioral biology/evolution, neuroscience, psychology etc) in order to find what is socially sustainable behaviour and what is not.