But people should avoid focusing too heavily on big goals, And focus more on small goals.
I read somewhere if we focus too heavily on what we want, we lose sight on what we need.
When you have small "wins." It will help keep you motivated.
True, small goals are easy to achieve and keeps us focused on our big goals, we start thinking that we can make it to big things
Over six months Amazing results happened, I started losing weight. And My loading went from 1,200 a night to 3,000 a night.
It didn't happen overnight, But it was a gradual thing. I was hitting numbers that most people thought were previously impossible for a human to hit.
Perseverance is the key. You did great.
So even if you don't see a difference, Keep focusing on those small changes. They will have an impact!
This is what I am doing on steemit, At first I was not able to do good on steemit, but then I realized it was because of my faults, My posts were not good enough to fetch anything, Since then I have been working on it.
Working on how to write better, how to format my posts better, and how to appreciate others whose posts I like in a better way.