When Success Is An Illusion

in #life7 years ago

A wants to be the best CEO.B wants to be the best footballer. C wants to be the greatest writer. D wants to be the most featured actor. On and on it goes on the list of quality goals many want to achieve. However, these goals and more would only be illusions until the right steps are taken.

Success does not answer to ideas but implemented ideas. Even when ideas are implemented, it is quintessential one has a novel plan to achieve the required goal.Again, ideas are not enough to achieve your desired dream. Careful implementation is equally needed.

Many struggle through life not achieving very beautiful dreams they have. Many factors have resulted in this dismal 'visitation' although one factor that stands out even as the Achilles hill of role models reckoned with great success stories is: poor organizational skills. Keep in touch as I unearth this terrorist that have destroyed many careers, novel ideas as well as I give you tips to loose yourself from her vicious clutch.


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It is in line with my book, The Mind : How To Use It.
Just as John C. Maxwell said, "commitment precedes achievement ".
It doesn't matter if it is right or wrong, as long as you are committed to it, you will succeed in it.