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RE: America and the unending gun situation.

in #life7 years ago

I agree, this situation is so crazy to me. I live in England and here you can get a gun if you have a license but it's very heavily restricted so it's very rare to find anyone who owns a gun here. Police don't carry guns, only specialist officers who are sent out in cases of extreme violence. So to see people putting guns above human lives is horrifying. I often wonder what this situation is doing for American tourism because anyone I've spoken to about the idea of going on holiday to America has said that they would never go there because it's too dangerous and that they would be too afraid to go because of the crazy gun problem. I also don't understand how anyone could raise children or start a family in that country, knowing every day when you send your children off to school that they might not come home - do the politicians who support the second amendment not love their family??


they literally need to make America great again, no pun intended.