Addicted to STEEMIT as well?? Going for a walk around the lake :)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I was kind of getting addicted to posting here on STEEMIT, just loving the attention, the discussions, the positive energy, but was also spending waaaaaay too much time here :)

So I got up on my feet and went for a long walk around the lake here in Sweden...


Anyone else getting addicted to STEEMIT here :))

I will be back soon with more about myself...



Was literally just thinking the same thing! I joined yesterday and was instantly hooked haha Thats a dope Pic tho! Good luck with the rest of your posts!

Thanks :)
It's hard to stay away once you are hooked. I only joined a few weeks ago, but was on STEEMIT for entire days.
For some strange reason it was also some kind of 'erotic' experience, so I had to stop myself from posting too much... I even removed most of my earlier posts because they became too intimate.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean! The community here just seems so positive and uplifting that you want to just share whatever haha I just spent the last 3 hours editing a post that got way to intimate. I'm gonna post it tomorrow, so hopefully people read it!

I will read it :) looking forward to it !

Much appreciated! I'll probably post it sometime this afternoon! Tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is welcomed!

#nature tag now @lovelylaurence :) Time to leave the #NFSW tag for some fresh air now! LOL! Yes! We are all indeed Steemian addicts. Why don't you power up with that portfolio Steem for the long haul on here ... get blogging my Nordic spirit :)

What would be the best # for me to post in?
If it's NSFW I will be happy to do so, but I like it when my "efforts" are appreciated :)
So what would be best?
Thanks :)

What do you like to do Laurence? #Photography #Food etc etc. We could with a #svenska language tag on here and you could write in Swedish. It woud help any new Swedes joining on here. I've already done language stuff for #polskie language. Everything is a clean slate here. Even start your own tag if you so wish on ANYTHING!! The world is yours here Laurence :) ENJOY!! :)

OK, thanks @mindhunter, I will think about it, but the erotic is actually my favourite topic if I am really honest with myself

Me too! I do post erotic art in #NSFW section but 99.9% of it goes over the heads of most porn bubble heads on there! Shame really. I make good hay in the #politics and #philosophy tags. #science is a great tag to write for too. Up to you Laurence ;) You don't sound like a bored housewife to me so I'm sure I'll be reading your musings on something v.soon. Video blogs [vblog] are popular too ... then you'd REALLY have to show your eyes! Ha ha! :) Stay sexy!<3

Thanks :)
Showing my eyes is fine, I wouldn't mind, but then I would have to refrain from sharing erotic posts, I don't think my friends, patients, etc would understand :)

No worries. If you feel like a new clean slate, just open a new fresh account and use your husbands mobile no. for confirmation. Lots of folks on here have 3-4 Steemit accounts under different alter-egos! Get out there and start having fun, ignore the trolls and steem on Laurence!