I apologize for not following up on this sooner. You have some really great stuff and personal reflections going on here. It's really a shame that this blog isn't getting more support from the steemit community.
Personally, I truly support you on your journey. You are really evolving now...at least your writing looks like your evolving. We shall see where you are for sure when we are together in Equador.
I tell people often that I take full responsibility for all my experiences. One woman, at first, was really pissed off by saying this but when I explained how it removes me from a victim and is actually a more empowering state of mind I saw her whole energy shift as she "got" what truly being responsible means.
And yes, quinn and shellie are the evolution mentors.
Glad to see your Steemin' agin.
Dakota, I sent you a genuine Yahoo message. I need to know if you got it.
Ashley and I are no longer getting married. It's official there and I'm single again. I've been dealing with something from her for over the last year. Mentally it's taxed me and I'm sorry for anything I've done that hurt you during that timeframe. I made a promise not to say anything about it to anyone.