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RE: 2017, A year the Legers will never forget! (viewer discretion advised)

in #life7 years ago

Yep, I had just moved you from the "pray for" to the "be thankful for" column on my refrigerator prayer reminder list when Part Two happened...

It has been quite the year...and those are quite the photos. OUCH!!!!!


Off topic, but you just inspired me to add a 'thankful for' column to my 'pray for' list. Thank you.

You're welcome! I added it because I was reading the verse "Be thankful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thess 5:16-18) and realized that my prayers were all requests and they really should be starting with thanksgiving for every single thing I could think of and THEN ask for the things I'm concerned about. Our Creator was probably tired of hearing my wishlist every night instead of my acknowledgement for all the wonderful and amazing things he had already answered...

That was hard to blog about to a point! What a year!!!

I imagine it was! I have points that are really hard to know where to start on, that's for sure, and your year has any of mine beat hollow.