I am not disagreeing with you - I can't - I have done exactly that.
I'm just pointing out it has become easier and easier to walk away from commitments, with the throw away society we have.
From a ' successful society', and 'happiness' point of view, the most stable happiest society is a monogamous relationship, with one partner, and 2.2 children.
( not sure how you feed the 0.2 child, as I don't have any! lol).
I haven't lived the life I have just pointed out , each individual is different ( like you and me , I think), but that doesn't make it less true in the big scheme of things.
Women's happiness, (and by extension men's) -for example, has been on the decline for the last 50 years or so-
All since they were 'conned' out of leaving the home and nurturing their offspring, - For working a job - and paying taxes on their labor - not a coincidence).
I also don't know the happy family thing in a successful society point of view because I'm so focused on not following the norm, but I've seen in my travels, real happy traditional families who have more children and are surviving with whatever they have.
This 'leave the kids at home and work' is just due to the demands of the modern society and consumerism.