I started reading, but got impatient and went to the bottom.. lol. (only joking)
I have a few weird experiences.( I sent a glass flying 5 or 6 yards on a ouija board once, because i was hassling 'it').
I slept in jim morrisons (the doors),old room in hollywood, and tripped a red indian standing the corner of the room, just looking at me. ( i was a little stoned, but not much).
I didn't know - at the time- it was the room Jim Morrison stayed in.
I actually don't believe in spiritul entities - but I can see the possibilities of there being so...(which is contrary to what I have just said. Or at least on intial inspection.)
My 'belief' is one of energy we don't understand/inter dimensional,(including entities, of the sprititual nature?) or even internal psychological projections.
I don't think of there being an afterlife.
Can I stop typing now, and have some french fries please?
Never touched a ouija board and never will - dangerous shit, seriously!
What are spiritual entities if not energy?
Believe me reincarnation is real - mindblowing but true.
All that said I am not in the business of trying to convert, each to their own.
D'you want ketchup with those fries?
ouija boards - amusing.
Real life in east LA is wayyy more dangerous! lol
Well, everything is energy, it's what the entities are, that's interesting (if they are entities- my mind is open to all possibilities).
If we _ knew reincarnation to be true - everything would be different.
I would argue in fact - if we knew it to be true (through 10's of thousands of generations of human beings and inter generational education ) - and we STILL haven't accepted it- we are even more stupid than I thought we were. (And I set a very low bar for 'our' intelligence.)
Each to their own - the only way to live !
Real potato chips, not french fries!.... and mayo to go with the ketchup - weekends in Amsterdam corrupted me.
(to having mayo on chips, I mean)
I remember getting a splinter off one, once - that huuuuuuuuurt!- It could have got infected or anything!