What men don't know about women

in #life8 years ago

We, women, know that most of the time we are a mystery for men. And for the most part we like that. But for the benefit of all, we will let them see little within.

1. Everything we buy - shoes, skirts, even the products from the pharmacy - costs, in fact, 20% more than I told you.
Just because it's a classic women's plot does not mean it's not true. Yes, we know honesty is the best policy, that hiding expenses is not a healthy habit, blah blah blah.
But sometimes we do not want to talk about just because of the price for that slick shampoo. Is that so wrong? We do not believe it.

2. We think of sex - (with you, of course) - very often.
Sometimes we think about it all day. Just by the end of the day we're too tired to act on that. If you could get us in the lunch break ...

3. We are just as concerned about our commitments as you.
It's true, many girls are growing up dreaming at the enchanted Prince, the dream wedding and "They've lived happily ever after." Yes, but we are men, like you. And when we hit the reality of a serious commitment, we are just as frightened. And we worry about losing our independence.
The good news is that once we get involved, we're pretty excited. Life seems more comfortable and wonderful. We love being a team and we will be the same team forever.

4. We may be modern and independent, but we still want you to be "the man."
We want you to be sensitive and thoughtful because even the hardest woman thinks her partner will take care of her in one way or another. Whether that means taking the lead in the bed, you're good at repairing your car, getting our spiders in the house, or just helping us with the huge suitcase when we go on vacation.
When you act like a "man," even if you're wet, it makes us feel more feminine, safer. At the end of the day, shelter in your strong arms definitely gives us a great feeling, no matter how independent we are.

5. Our loved ones were not really bad in bed.
You know we always say things like, "Oh yeah, you're definitely the one I've ever been to," or "Nobody does it like you." Well, we might just pull a little bit of the truth. But we will never tell you that a former boyfriend was better in bed - we are smarter than that.
You just know that regardless of the amazing orgasms I've had with other guys, sex with you is a million times better - because it's with you, and you're the one we really want.

6. We are scared that we will turn into our mothers.
We really love our mothers. We admire them, we are grateful to them, we think they are the most amazing women on Earth. But we do not want to be them. That is why one of the biggest insults you can hurt us is "You act like your mother".
Although there is even worse: "You act just like your mother." Does this give us an oedipal thrill on our spine - has married me as a seaman with his mother? So if you value your sex life, never compare your wife to your mother. Not loud, at least.

7. We want you to be jealous - but only a little.
We want you to watch and care when the waiter flirting with us or when other guys hang around on the street. It makes us feel like we really are for you. But do not be too possessive. In fact, we are very loyal, and when you do not understand that we do not get involved in other relationships, that makes us angry.
So let's recap: if you raise your eyebrow when we present our dear colleague - it's fine; If you're too aggressive - it's very, very bad.

8. Yes, we have fantasies with famous men, but that does not mean we want to be with them.
Christian Bale is sexy and has it all, but can you imagine us doing clean in his Batman cave?

9. We tell our friends more than we recognize (but less than you think).
Yeah, we're telling them about the chops with you, we complain about our mother-in-law and we just told you that your hobby takes you all the time off. But do not tell them how great you are, you know, and you did not cry in our arms when your dad died. Some things are too important and intimate to be shared.

10. We even notice and appreciate all the things you do.
Why do not we tell you more often? Because we can not overcome the things you do not do. All you have to do is to blame the stubborn belief of women that there is a single right way to perform household duties - our way. It's probably the real reason why men give up on doing things like that.
We complain that you did not do the right thing, so you do not want to ever do it anymore. (It sounds familiar, is not it?) Let's make a deal: you promise to clear the dust, wash the dishes or take the garbage from time to time and we promise to give you more praise. Agree?

11. We love you wholeheartedly, but we still miss "love".
Most women are dependent on love. But while we appreciate the depth of love in the long run, nothing compares with the butterflies in the stomach and the sensations of insanity we receive (or rather we used to get) when we knew a new guy.
We know that we will not feel our head in the clouds anymore, and then a small part of us is missing this. (Why do you think we're watching so many romantic comedies?) But, in the end, we appreciate what we get in return - you and a life of true devotion - which is far more valuable.



Great article. Interesting mindset of most women. thumbs up!

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hmm .. next time I'll put pictures with me