My " in laws " were unhappy when I told them, people have no business being alive over seventy five; ( 83 and 89 respectively ). If your ' bucket list ' is not ticked off by 75; then I was probably not worth doing and had little real business being on your bucket list . . .
Today people barely have enough gold to live while earning a wage every week. How much money will most people have in retirement to do the things they want; most likely a lot less. Indeed most people today choose between eating or utility costs, once retirement happens many people will find themselves sitting down to dinner sharing the cat or dog food to reduce grocery costs.
Even for those with enough gold most people will not have the health status to freely travel. Imagine having to return home every week for health appointments. Indeed even those with the quality of life medically to enjoy travel; many will be raising their grand kids so the parents could return to employment to maintain their lack of equity in their house mortgage.
Death and taxes; the only things you can be sure of : )
You told your in laws "people have no business being alive over seventy-five"...
I'm going to take the rest of your comment as brutal and terse colloquy.
Fine, we should all expect hard lives, especially toward the end. I'll agree with you.
My " in laws " were unhappy when I told them, people have no business being alive over seventy five; ( 83 and 89 respectively ). If your ' bucket list ' is not ticked off by 75; then I was probably not worth doing and had little real business being on your bucket list . . .
Today people barely have enough gold to live while earning a wage every week. How much money will most people have in retirement to do the things they want; most likely a lot less. Indeed most people today choose between eating or utility costs, once retirement happens many people will find themselves sitting down to dinner sharing the cat or dog food to reduce grocery costs.
Even for those with enough gold most people will not have the health status to freely travel. Imagine having to return home every week for health appointments. Indeed even those with the quality of life medically to enjoy travel; many will be raising their grand kids so the parents could return to employment to maintain their lack of equity in their house mortgage.
Death and taxes; the only things you can be sure of : )
/ hugz ; )
You told your in laws "people have no business being alive over seventy-five"...
I'm going to take the rest of your comment as brutal and terse colloquy.
Fine, we should all expect hard lives, especially toward the end. I'll agree with you.