If given the chance to trade lives today, I would almost definitely do it.
I think the key is holding on to hope. From another great movie, Shawshank Redemption:
ANDY: Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
I still believe the truth will set you free. I believe you can be alive, awake, and aware while still enjoying life, love, and... liquor? (I just realized I was doing alliterations and went with it.)
To me, I treat it is a challenge. How can I enjoy the red pill reality while embracing life and the joy it can offer? Just as truth can be tough, it can also free you and others and being free is a wonderful thing. We can be hopeful for a better future and latch on to the truth of it coming to exist in our daily lives, even in small ways.
The blue pill is just another shade of grass, not necessarily a greener one. :)
great quote and insightful words thanks.
Is hope really that cut and dry?
In the story of Pandora's Box, it was the last thing in the box and was never released with the other evils. Perhaps without hope life is simply void of meaning or purpose. Yet, is this such a bad thing?
To quote Nietzsche,
We can create our own subjective purpose, once we engage with the meaninglessness of life.
Purpose implies hope, does it not? False hope and expectations lead to torment, IMO.