Funny enough, I don't really believe altruism is a thing. I enjoy helping others because it creates the world I want to live in. Also, when it comes to things like this, it's relative. If someone gives $1,000 it blows our mind, but if they make that amount every minute, maybe it's not that big of a deal to them. Whereas if someone else gives $1, that might be the world to them and a huge percentage of all they own.
I've worked really hard to get where I'm at today and I know what it's like to go without. Helping to lift people up is how I think we can improve the world. Giving is just a gesture. The real change happens as people move themselves up Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
I usually use the tipU service with hide
flag but wanted others to know about it also so they can give if they want.
You're right; giving is a gesture and in most cases it's not altruistic - we usually get something out of giving, even if it's a pat on one's back. I also know what it's like to go without. Maybe that's why we give. Well done.I think you're pretty awesome, @lukestokes
Thanks. :)
Very impressive approach and very true words. Sometimes $1 is all we have, but we give it in hopes it will make a difference in someone else's life.
God bless you and people like you :)
Would you be interested in helping to build a Steemit community for verifying and supporting individuals like this who are in need? I have an idea or two for one and would just need some people with the time and passion to collaborate on it.
Not currently. I'm not convinced charity on its own has a lasting impact. It can help here and there, but only for a short period of time. I've only really helped out members of the community here who have contributed and aren't looking for a handout. I value that sincerity. I've posted about how Steemit (or something like it) might power something like a universal basic income. That said, I don't think we're there yet. Not unless the price of Steem goes way up.
Maybe send me some stuff via Steemit Chat though. Maybe I can help refine the ideas if nothing else.
God bless you