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RE: Another day, another mass shooting -- and we're back to "business as usual" in America

in #life6 years ago

I really enjoyed reading your post. You stated many truths about topics that usually many don't touch or if they do, they do it superficially or from a different point of view.

"We are a culture in love with violence. " I couldn't agree more. What is saddening is that being exposed to so many violent things, people assume that this is the right answer for any conflict. Most of them won't take a step back and think twice trying to see if there is another way to solve the problem.

In addition, these tragedies (mass shootings) have taken place more and more often. One would have thought that this would have a higher impact on humans, but unfortunately, they turned into a simple "cold news" that they will chat about lunch time with colleague.

Somehow they got "immune" to them and they can easily turn a blind eye on them for a while or until the next tragedy takes place.

What can we expect from a child (the future adult) when we feed him from a young age all these products of violence: movies, cartoons, toys, games, etc.? The society we live in promotes violence and this has to change. Like you said, we need to address this issue using a wider lens, see things in perspective. Growing global citizens that care more about the people and the Earth, that don't get trapped within the limitations of old concepts and care less about borders and focus on humanity.