haha chickens with lisps...that is funny!
My father still has nighmares of mean chickens from when he was a kid, so we were an animal-free farm, except for dogs and cats :) Judging by his comment below, he is certainly the chicken expert haha
haha chickens with lisps...that is funny!
My father still has nighmares of mean chickens from when he was a kid, so we were an animal-free farm, except for dogs and cats :) Judging by his comment below, he is certainly the chicken expert haha
Mean chickens are not fun. Mean geese are worse. I took care of some and the make was angry that we would come in the pen, even though it was to feed them. We had to take a stick with us and hold it out to him. He would be so occupied with pecking the heck out of the stick that you could place the feed there. That was always a scary challenge.
My youngest son had a run in with a goose once. Chased him quite a ways and then nipped him good. This happened at a park with a manmade lake that was very close to where we used to live. I don't think he's been back there since. :)
I wouldn't blame him. Geese can be very mean. I normally give them a wide berth. Don't want to have run-ins with them as they can do a lot of damage.
Our area is a fly over for the migrating geese, so we get to see them moving south in the winter and north toward summer. I was out in a nearby town sitting in the parking lot when V after V after V of geese flew over. There were scores of Vs with a dozen to three dozen geese in each. It was the largest flyover I've seen to date. They didn't darken the sky, but you couldn't have missed them. They were flying north, but some of them had to veer from the east around us and follow the rest. They seemed to be heading towards a nearby bird refuge. I imagine they could do a tremendous amount of damage. :)
That's kinda crazy. Apparently the readi-timer in their heads popped, so they knew it was time to fly. Just imagine what you could do if you could train those geese to be attack birds. Ha ha. Oh, you want to bully me, well "geese, attack!" They'd never see it coming.
I'm happy to report that I'm not bullied on a regular basis, at least not by any particular individuals. However, I suppose I could train them to swarm the Fed or something. I'd probably have to tone down the command, though, because I don't really want to hurt people, just make them reevaluate what they're doing. So something like, "Geese, annoy!" or "Geese, chase!" would be cool. :)
"Geese, annoy!" I like that one. I'm glad you don't get bullied. It's no fun to get bullied. It's nice when you have friends stand up for you though. It's even more fun when those friends are trained geese. :)
Well, there you go. Mean chickens. No wonder @themanwithnoname is warning us about the coming chickenocalypse. Sorry. I like chickenlypse better. Rolls off the tongue. :)