
Haha… I knew his tarantula better than I knew him 🤦🏼‍♀️
Come to think of it ‘where were you Dad when the tarantula was crouching in the corner ready to strike?” … haha

Speaking of tarantulas, @dandays and I were in the car yesterday for a quick ride up the street when I see out of the corner of my eye a big buggy thing about to hang down from the passenger side window. I clipped my seat belt off instantly and crab crawled myself into the back seat. Dandays was yelling, “what is it” and then it revealed itself… a spider the size of a quarter, black, thick, hairy like a tarantula, was living in the sill of the passenger side window. At the stop light, Dandays grabbed a napkin from the center console and was able to flick it out into the street… not so fast, I spotted him again so we quickly rolled up the window. This guy was huge… we got to our destination where Dandays was able to corral him onto the pavement and the little bugger ran off under the car. I wasn’t too comfortable with this outcome but it was better than sharing my seat with him.

We were laughing “what would you do if a snake fell from the sky at you” or “jumped at you from the darkest corner of your backyard”.

I’m convinced it was a baby tarantula. Of course, I naturally then looked up spiders as my spirit animal. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Haha

hahahaha @puravidaville, that is hilarious!! I would have totally done the same thing, and probably ran the car up and down the driveway for an hour trying to kill the damn thing! And then later at night, I'd be checking any little red marks on my body or my hair, strand by strand, checking for bites or places where it might have laid some eggs!

LOL falling snakes!!

Haha… for sure. I actually was super hesitant to get back in the car. I kind of did a running/jumping crouching movement to burst through the threshold of the spiders old home and missed by a lot hitting my head and shoulder on the frame of the vehicle. Haha… Dandays immediately grabbed my head, hugging it while laughing and asking if I was alright. Haha… for days I’ve been sketch getting in and out of the car. We have so many bug-spider stories it’s ridiculous. I really do think they are attracted to me for whatever reason… maybe spirit animal ? 🤷🏼‍♀️

hahaha the spider gymnast! Yep, I'd be wearing gloves to open and close the car door haha

Learn to love that spirit animal then!! :)

Easier said then done! I’ll work on it… 🤦🏼‍♀️