It costs something

in #life7 years ago

I believe by now you have being in this world for quite some years if you are reading this. And can i ask you a question? And the question is: have you observe that most things in life do cost something before anyone can have them? "Yes, I know" would be your most likely answer. Now this brings us to the topic of discuss today. Most things in life, especially those that are good and which have the potential of transforming you into a great individual will always cost something. So you know when someone promises to offer great things at no cost, you should realize that it will cost more in the long run!



Since we have already established that nothing good in life comes freely, what you then have to do is set your mind aright to be the kind of person who pays the price for greatness. And tbe price for greatness is sacrifice. So many people still believe there is a short cut in the race of achievement. Those people do realize that they are wrong in the end. Without any form of gain saying, those who pay sacrifice to achieve something worthwhile can tell you that it took all the following from them - persistence, focus, hardwork, consistency and passion - and if not more in fact. We take a look at the role each of the stated ingredients of success plays in our quest to attain extra-ordinary achievement.

1 PERSISTENCE: The persistent man is not discouraged easily. He is sure of something being in a place for him. He knows that if he gives it more try, the answer will be a yes for him. The reason why he is not easily put off is because he has vision. A part of him has a great conviction that he will soon get it right, even though the prevailing circumstance is saying the opposite, he is sure of the dream he had. The willingness to give it time is very paramount in his heart. So he would not let go at the first moment of trying and failing.

Whoever desires to achieve success must ask himself enough questions. The questions will bring out your real intentions and reason for going into an endeavour, so when you meet with failure on the road, you can easily tell yourself that it is going to be a stepping stone: you are sure that better days are ahead. This can be illustrated by the instance of Thomas Edison. According to the story, he (Edison) was not willing to back down. He gave his all to that purpose. And what was the outcome, he achieved a feat that the world came to identify with. That is why learning persistence is of utmost importance.

2 FOCUS: We live at a time where there is so much demand from the individual. It is really very hard to remain focus. Being focused then must be taken as priority. One must take it as a skill to learn. In fact, it must be seen as a trade to practise. The man who lacks focus lacks discipline. He will continue jumping from one activity to the other. He will not learn how to say no when occasion demands for it.

There is no doubt that many people have become insignificant by their lack of focus. They have an orientation of being active, yet they are not aware that it is not all activity that leads to productivity. Their life is full of so many things that they must do that they forgot the importance of prioritising one's work and staying on one thing at a time. You know the lie they give themselves? "I am multitasking". Lies and lies, i must make known to them. Focus is a very powerful force in the universe, it makes a man gain untold and never- discovered power. So, you can see this in demonstration in how the sun does its magic. If the Sun is left as scattered, the maximum it can do is dry clothes. However, this same Sun, when it is focused through a lens, it can burn grass! That is nature teaching some lessons on focus.

As a person, you must hold the fort of your mind. Never let it wander unnecessarily. Have control over what comes in and guard what it ruminates on too. Once you can keep distractions out of any assignment or engagement, you are very sure that it would be very easy to succeed and come out with accomplishment.

3 HARDWORK: No building was ever built without people doing work, and no city was ever developed without those who wotk very hard. You cannot escape being the type who works very hard. There are two ways to it: You either work very hard with your imagination or very hard with your body. This gives little wonder why Thomas Edison said, and I quote: " Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration". I am not here to prove or disprove what he said, I only want to point that he had made a point.

Whether by the use of your mind or body, you must do the work. You cannot run away from it. Even if you manage to push the physical drudgery over to somebody, you will never still be able to run away from managing the processes that would naturally be involved. You are still left with the aspect of management that will involve you planning and sharing the tasks. So work is a must for all that aspires to hit it big in their quest for success.

One way to grow and develop is to start seeing work as a blessing and not a curse. You must not allow yourself to think like a loser. If there is no work to be done in this world, what would our world have looked like? The answer is that, we all would eventually die out through boredom and tiredness.

4 CONSISTENCY: The only way to test the commitment of a man is through how much consistency he manages to display in any line of activity. There are quite a number of people who would normally have extreme energy at the beginning but what normally become of them at the end? They get weary and tired out, they could not maintain the pace which they have started. And as a result of that, they end up giving up completely.

Don't allow that happen go you. You must have an undying show of consistency throughout the life cycle of whatever thing you have to be involved in. The consistent man has what it takes to win in the end, though the beginning of such may be full of chaos or catastrophe or series of disappointment.

The lesson for everyone today is that you must learn the art of consistency. Remaining when others are giving up.

5 PASSION: You can go and find out from all the great men and women of the world, one thing that marks them different from their mates is the fact that they are passionate about what they do. If you are passionate about something, you don't consider whether it is rewarding or not. If you are looking for money, go and get a job. But if what you are doing is your passion, don't even expect it to feed you at all. Just do it because of your love for it.

Now the above is the bitter truth. The surprising thing or the irony of it all is that the passion do eventually turn in money (sometimes even beyond the expectations of the individual). This can be seen in the life's story of most foremost billionaires in the world; talking about the likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the late Da Vinci and many others.

The clarion call today is, get passionate about what you are doing, and that is the only time you are guaranteed greatness.

It is now very clear that every great thing in life will cost something. Now, are you ready to pay the price?

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