How Minimalism Actually Manifest in Daily Life

in #life5 years ago

It is not always de-cluttering. It is not always about white/gray/black clean space. Perhaps the image of minimalism ties to that. However, some of us are not clean freaks with OCD. Minimalism manifest differently in different people. I would say all experience of this lifestyle is valid.


One adapts this lifestyle for many different reasons. I, on the other hand choose minimalism to help me with my clutter tendencies and more time to do nothing and get bored. Getting bored is a great thing for me. I get to find ways to amuse myself without constantly needing to clean up my space. However not many people I know how the lifestyle manifest in my life. I don't use gray/white/black t-shirt everyday, have all things in the same color or have fancy gadgets. So, here is how my minimalist lifestyle manifest into my daily life.

  • I try to always count my blessings
    it is something I try to mention/write daily about the things that I am grateful about.
  • I try to be more creative
    Honing my creativity skills have always been my interest. I try to paint, color, crafting, sewing anything to keep my right brain entertain.
  • I try to care more about the environment in ways I can
    I am not an enviromentalist freak but I try to care more about it by bringing reusable boxes/bottle. It's because I have tendency to be a germaphobe. I always think that communal spoon/plates are dirty.
  • I eat healthier
    I care more about my nourishment. At times, I can be so negligent about it but I always know when to start over.
  • I practice single-tasking
    This far has been one of the most challenging things but I manage to do it from time to time.
  • I read more.
    I have the chance to read more than I have ever been.

Other than several practices I have already done, there are some things I want to do more as a minimalist :

  • Having lesser screen time.
    I can't seem to get off twitter currently.
  • following a routine
    I have routines but I can't follow them longer than 2 weeks.
  • setting monthly goals
    I currently don't have monthly goals.
  • Let go of toxic relationship

Some of the practices are easier to follow. Some don't. I think minimalism is a great way to be more mindful about our daily life. It helps some of us getting closer to where we want to be as a human being. The lifestyle has helped me define what I want in life and how I want things around me to be. It is a lifestyle that consist of habits which reflect my personal conviction.


I'm deep diving into minimalism after coming back home, I was already a minimalist by nature, but now it's more serious.

My rule is this: if I don't touch it in 1-2 weeks, it must go (unless it's something that has value and I won't be able to buy again, like instruments).

It's incredible how much money we can make by just getting rid of things.

I mostly throw/donate things but later, I need to sell some items. Maybe my things will worth something :) great tips!

Your environment can be so powerful in both ways, such a good point. Just got my new closet today and the impact on my psychology is incredible. Also I am going to declutter as much a possible next week. However, manifesting your own minimalism is key as you mentioned in the intro. Great post!

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Good luck with decluttering ! I am spending my Sunday de-cluttering as well. Trying to get things organized before busy weeks.

I recently delved into minimalism by making everything I own fit into my Town & Country van and living out of it. It cleansed my Spirit and made me let go of attachment to physical things.

More power to you ! I'd love to try living in a tiny house/van one day.

Now I'm building a Tiny House and moving to a 20 acre ranch in Texas that is just bare scrubland now. I will raise dogs, chickens, goats and cows there.