again triggered. I went to take the only exam I have for this semester. It was a syntax and semantics exam. It's a class that teaches me how to understand human intention through words and how I can influence people's mind through choice of words. Writing is easy but choosing the proper and powerful words are not. I think that even I tend to have tendency to be left brained, I still dislike this class.I still remember @whatamidoing said that I might not usually be triggered but yesterday, I was
I had 15 questions that time which all of them were actually not difficult except one number. One number that raised my eyebrows and decided to finish it soon as soon as possible.
Among thousands words out there with endless possibilities, there is one word which I really did not expect it to be there. It was a question about Semantic Change. I really want to go back to college and asking the reason behind picking up that, perhaps it was mere curiosity to know the newest meaning of that word? I don't know. I really should come back and ask.
Semantic Change in short, is how language change overtime either its meaning or lexical change - same meaning but new words.
So, I got a question about " Find the origin of these words and how it develops overtime"
This particular question is almost impossible to answer without any helping device except you download origin of words to your brain and apparently you have been existing since dinosaur age. Then, it's all fine till I saw the word "Nazi".
Among thousand possibilities out there it was there.
I had all sorts of scenario inside my head from good, somewhat to bad. What should I fill in there? well not that I know the origin of the word anyway. So, I just left it blank and drafting behind my exam card and left the class after sometime.
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