Thoughts on Age and Aging...A bit of philosophy, and a bit of a biography.

in #life8 years ago

I'm 60. Yeah, officially an old man.
But...I feel 30 in my head. My body has never been leaner. I look great for my age (probably 50?). I've never felt smarter, or richer, or enjoying life more, or exercised there's that.
But...I have grey hair. makes me look distinguished!
But...I get a cheque from the government every month for the contributions that I have made throughout my working career to the CPP (Canada Pension Plan).
But...The best thing...I am healthy! I had a health scare a couple of months back. Note* Don't google "blood in your stool". You'll be sorry, and convince yourself that you are almost dead. My situation turned out OK, so far. The colonoscopy showed no "bad" looking polyps. I have an appointment with the doctor next week, but I'm sure I would have heard by now if something "bad" showed there's that too.

I have had a blessed life. I've always worked for myself, and earned money on a full commission structure. But I learned how to make money from an early age. How? Learn to sell! You will never be without an income if you know how to sell. Sales is nothing more than psychology. Knowing how people think, and what makes them do things. What motivates people to do things, make decisions to buy? Fear, and greed!

I like to boil things down to their bare essential parts. Work smart not hard. Be humble, and self deprecating. Try to NOT have an ego. Breathe deep. Feel the breath. In slowly...out slowly. Savour every moment. ...more to come![paul.jpg]()

Hey, nothing wrong with gray hair. I'm totally gray but I try to make it work for me. :)

I agree, thanks for the comment!

Glad your scare turned out to be nothing.

You are only as old as you feel!

Thanks so much.

I myself haven't had the opportunities you had experienced especially a good bill of health.
Enjoy your weekend.
Oh it's monday now here in my place.I am glad that you are healthy and contented @mackop

Good luck...wish you the best!

Thanks for the fruitful advice.