In a world so asleep, so deprived of intuition, it's hard being conscious. Those of us who are woke want to scream for the ones around us to wake up, but to avoid jeopardizing relationships, it's sometimes best to keep quiet. Easier said than done in most cases. When you care about someone, it's hard letting them go down a path that you know will lead to failure. We want our fellow brothers and sisters of Earth to know what we know.. but they will ultimately believe what they want to believe.

We want to show the sick how to become well. We want to show the overweight how to lose weight. We want people to know about Cryptos and Steemit, of course! We want our families to be educated on the state of the world. We want to help others, but they have to want to help themselves... And when I say want, I mean REALLY WANT.

Sometimes painful experiences are required in order for us to welcome change. But there are several ways to...
Help Others Change!
One of the best ways to facilitate change in others is a technique I call dripping. Drip the knowledge to them, don't just throw the whole table at them! Little by little, their subconscious will open to the ideas you are proposing, and they will begin to want more.
For example, I've been telling my mom and sister to get on board Steemit for months now, but they are so slow to take action even though they believe in the idea! At this point, they know they should, but they are procrastinating like most girls wait for prince charming! It's difficult to keep asking them if they have worked on their first post yet.. I don't want to be annoying but I also don't want to quit believing that I can help them grow and change.
Know Your Limits
When it comes to dripping, you have to know when enough is enough. Sometimes being annoying is a good thing, but you have to know when the limit has been reached. Reach that limit and then give it some time until you ask again how they are progressing. Just keep dripping.

Never Give Up!
Being conscious is a great thing. But sometimes, when you know someone can help themselves by just taking action on things that even they know they should, it gets frustrating.
I've been begging my mom to exercise for almost 20 years now and no matter how many times she promises, it just doesn't happen.. It's sad to see because we both know she would look and feel better if she did. Even though I can get annoying sometimes, I still won't ever give up on her.
When those around you have so much potential, but they lack the initiative to step into their greatness, remember to just keep dripping. In your mind, see them doing the things they need to do and feel good about it. Maybe, just maybe, your thoughts will help create their new reality. It's hard being conscious, but it's harder letting someone go when you know you could have done more to help.

With Love,
I'm definitely in support of any initiatives to raise the consciousness level of the world.
I like your drip technique. I think it's a marvelous way to offer people a little something, especially when delivered with non-attachment to the outcome. My wife and I both work extensively in the healing/psychology/consciousness fields, and it is easy to become overwhelmed by all the things we fee; we can do to make the world better... but ultimately we have to remember to take care of ourselves, as well. We can't just have compassion for others, we must also have compassion for ourselves.
Yes, you're right on point! In order for us to care for others we must be able to take care of ourselves! Thanks for reading and your great comment, and I look forward to your future posts :)
Thoughts create reality :) I support this cause, Marco
Yes they do! I know more people will eventually learn to use their creative powers to help others, luckily we live in times of huge progress :) Maybe I'm demanding for wanting so much change so fast, or maybe I'm just used to seeing things change so fast, you tell me :P
Yes, the consciousness of humanity is changing at a quite fast pace. We are becoming more and more aware of old paradigms that no longer work and replacing them with new ones.