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RE: Cluster Headaches are a Nightmare

in #life5 months ago

Hey thanks for the tip! In cluster headaches, blood pressure can vary dramatically, sometimes too high, sometimes too low. Chili peppers sometimes help and sometimes make it worse.


Gotcha. Quite a doozy you got there. Does cannabis help?

Yes. Strong coffee, cannabis, and oxygen all make it slightly more manageable. Psychedelics work for some sufferers but I haven't had great luck with them.

I get migraines sometimes but these cluster headaches you talk about seems to be on a whole different level of pain. I feel for you. Never heard about it till I read your post. Nor do I know anyone to have it or met anyone talk about it.

Cannabis helps me a bunch with the migraines. So does Guanabana tea. I sometimes mix the two for better sleep when it gets bad. I'm not a big coffee guy anymore. I also quit smoking tobacco and as for alcohol I only drink a small shot of Natural Sotol in the winter or when I feel the need to get rid of a cold or flu coming on. Or three good shots for 5 days each day to get rid of any parasites. The cool thing about sotol it gives you no hangover. The thing is, if you drink water after it wears down, it will raise your drunkness again lol