Many people want to know how they can burn fat and lose weight as fast as possible. The answer is not complicated, but it does take effort and commitment. Luckily, there is an abundant amount of knowledge and information out there to guide you. There are also qualified personal trainers that undergo regular professional development courses to stay on top of the latest news, trends and techniques. With all these options there is nothing stopping you from getting the results you want.
To burn your body fat faster there are a lot of different things you can do. Here are a few methods to lose that excess body fat.

Firstly and probably the easiest thing to do for most is to adjust your diet. Many people eat excessively, eat unhealthy foods and don’t get enough nutrients and water throughout the day. It is hard to change eating habits when it means giving up all the delicious foods that may be unhealthy, but do not worry there is always healthier alternatives to most foods that will not affect the taste. General things to look for are Low GI foods, High Fibre Foods, less Simple Sugars and less processed ingredients. There are thousands of books and articles relating to healthy eating and diets. This can make it very hard to find a plan suitable for you. To make things easier the best thing you can do is talk to your personal trainer or health and lifestyle coach and they can recommend an eating plan that suits your goals. I would recommend starting small, don't try to change your diet instantly. Try cutting back on anything that has added sugars and instead go for natural alternatives. Cut back on the amount of dairy you eat and drink water instead (when possible). Even small adjustments such as this will have a significant impact on weight loss over time.

Secondly, the next thing people think about when losing excess body fat is cardio exercise. In general people do not understand how different exercises are more beneficial to fat burning than others. Running, cycling and other cardiovascular exercises are known to help with weight loss, but which one's better? The truth is there are no better exercises and what works for you may not work for someone else. Once you find an exercise or cardio equipment you like then there are techniques you can do to get the most from your work out and burn that body fat away. There are hundreds of challenges you can try, numerous training techniques and many variable settings in all cardio exercises and equipment. Interval training and blast training are both very popular techniques used to improve your training and get results faster. With a bit of short term goal setting and focus during an exercise session you can burn more calories in twenty minutes then in one hour of general exercising.

Thirdly, weight training exercises to burn body fat. Not too long ago many people believed that doing weights training will not help you lose weight, but instead make you put on weight as you add muscle mass under your body fat. This is half true, yes doing resistance training will improve strength and possibly give you larger muscles, but it can also help shape your body, improve bone density and improve your metabolism. This means you look better whilst increasing your metabolism, which results in you burning more calories and excess body fat. You may find your weight remains the same but you go down in shirt or pant sizes, this is probably because your muscles are developing whilst your body fat (which weighs less) is burning away. This makes you look healthier and thinner (even if your weight does not change much). Weight training mixed with cardio exercises is the ultimate weight loss training program. Just by utilizing a targeted training regime and with a good diet, the results will steadily come.
The best way to get everything happening altogether is to have someone else help you. This is why trainers and training partners can make a huge difference in whether you stick with a plan and reach goals, or become unmotivated and give up.
About myself
I am a youngish fitness professional (personal trainer), math/science teacher and tax and business advisory accountant, entrepreneur and most recently a cryptocurrency trader. An enthusiast techy and PC super race gamer, a life long learner with many and various interests. I feel I have a lot of knowledge and experiences to share and finally a platform I want to share it on. Expect posts like this and many on my other activities / interests.
All feedback and advice is welcome.