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These arachnids are neither spider, nor scorpion, but form a class of their own. To me, they are the most scary thing to walk the planet. My brothers and I kept one that was caught in our area, but it escaped. We looked for it and were very cautious around the house for a few weeks because they are pretty vicious. If you come across one, it doesn't immediately run or try to hide, but it fights and is very aggressive. They eat basically anything that can find and are capable of tearing insects apart, drinking their juices and leaving behind a husk and torn body parts. Luckily they don't have any venom, but they can leave a nasty bite as you might guess by looking at the picture below.
One of the other reasons they are so scary to me is that they are able to climb glass because they have large adhesive pedipalps which are the two front "leglike" looking appendages they have right next to their mouth. They live in hot areas such as desert, scrub and semi arid areas and sometimes jungles too. They are found on all continents except for Australia and Antarctica, which I find weird because normally Australia has all the vicious animals in it.
The name Baardskeerders is Afrikaans for "Beard Cutters" and come because of myths that they cut peoples hear with their teeth.
Hope you liked it!
Hey @madiba Informative post keep it up :)
Creepy and fantastic at the same time.
It really is.
Wouldn’t want to wake up to one of those! At least they don’t have venom.
Im afraid of all creepy crawlies......piosonous or not
It would completely freak me out.
I thought it would be great if a spider could ever bite a men then change the men to be a great hero just like spider men on tv series (joke), i dont hate animal indeed, I like cat, bird,chiken etc. but scary animal is another thing..
so imformative article :) i hope i would never meet beard cutters @madiba
Greetings @madiba,,, a very interesting review about spider
it's very important review about spider
buen post amigo
Really scary @madiba, I am afraid of all of them!
A very interesting insect. So small and so angry.
Probably he was accustomed to fight for their existence.
I think you are right.