@humanearl, Still our life time need to face more difficulties and troubles. Must need to face and don't leave from troubles. Troubles giving option how to solve any problems when I face of life. If manage our negative feelings life can return back to correct way. We have only few life time for stay live and remind don't do un-success task spend time much. I respect Jesus religion. I'm a Buddhist in this platform. But I've some Catholic friend so I know some information of Satan's story.
Every thing you promised me is the opposite of what you gave me. In fact everything you promised me, was only obtainable through Jesus. Through the Lord our God, not through you. And the moment. The very second, I said no to you. I said yes to Him. And everything you promised and more began to come true. But not through any works of you. But through faith, through choosing life, through Jesus.
Currently peoples have to fight for refuse to allow my life. Every thing had in open market not easy to buying something. Peoples feelings also less currently. Protect golden time, be patience better option I suggested.
Faith in Christ is the way. But I also respect your beliefs as well.