Id never even heard of this International Womens Day until this year, and then two days ago it was just jammed down my throat all day. It was all over facebook and all over the media. The whole damn establishment wanted to pay homage to it just to make themselves look good and PC.
-(image from
Perhaps the biggest publicity stunt was done by a McDonalds in Lynwood, CA, that turned its logo upside down to make it a "W" to honor women. This is just another example of corporate feminism, where corporations exploit the idea of gender equality to make themselves appear progressive, politically correct, and honorable when really all they care about is bottom line profits, and there is almost no limits to the evil they will commit in order to pursue them. Moreover, so many of these corporations show their true colors when you look at the genders of their highest ranking (and most highly paid) officials at the corporate level. But sure, they are glad to exploit women to work in their restaurants at the bottom of the totem pole for less than a living wage.
The whole day was just annoying on so many levels. I mean, no one seems to want to heap praise on men these days. If you are white and a male you get no honors in any part of society that is controlled by mainstream liberals. I understand privilege and the atrocities committed throughout our history but its not right to take a group of people and treat them like the bad guys for acts their ancestors are responsible for. Im all for equality, but it is OK to praise men and white people every now and then if every other group is gonna get sunshine blown up their asses.
November 19 of this year is International Mens Day, and I think we need to push it hard. It needs to receive the same attention that this past International Womens Day did. Us men deserve to have our day too. And I want the corporations and media outlets to be involved with same intensity that they were for the women.
feminist movement crap