Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God. "Life" a small and simple word but of a broad and deep meaning; since life is a right, some people mistakenly believe they have the power to end it. There are circumstances in which some people agree to end a life; this is the case of abortion, which today is a very common practice in teenagers. On the following words, we will deal with the issue of abortion, mentioning the consequences that, in one way or another, harm our social and personal life.
Definition of abortion
The word abortion is a Latin term (abortus) and derives from the composition of a prefix and a root: Ab: deprivation and ortus: birth; then its meaning would be "deprivation of birth"; but we can say that abortion is the death of a boy or girl in the mother's womb produced during any moment of the stage of pregnancy that goes from fertilization to the moments before birth.
History of abortion
Formerly the practice of abortion was used for birth control.
In the nineteenth century, abortion was only allowed in cases where the life of the mother was in danger, then in the twentieth century the legalization of abortion allowed the interruption of unwanted pregnancies in different medical, social or particular situations. The abortions by expressed will of the mother were legalized first in Russia (1920); then they were allowed in Japan and some countries in Europe. In 1960 the decriminalization of abortion was extended to many countries in Europe and America, the legal reasons were of three types:
• Infanticide and maternal mortality associated with the practice of illegal abortions.
• Global overpopulation.
• The rise of the feminist movement.
By 1980, 20% of population lived in countries where abortion was allowed in situations where the life of the mother was at risk; 40% of the population resided in countries where abortion was allowed in situations of risk to the life of the mother's health, rapes or incest, presence of genetic alterations in the fetus and in special social situations (single mothers and low income); the other remaining 40% of the population lived in places where abortion was liberalized.
The movement of decriminalization has continued to grow throughout the world, although there are still countries that, above all because of religious issues, are under pressure to maintain restrictive and condemnatory legalizations.
Types of abortion
- Spontaneous abortion, as its name implies, occurs spontaneously or naturally; the causes of this type of abortion are not known exactly. In half of the cases there are alterations in the development of the embryo that can be a consequence of disorders of the germ cells themselves or also of alterations in the maternal environment.
Other consequences can also be abnormal maternal situations such as acute infections, systemic diseases such as nephritis, diabetes or severe trauma.
The most common symptom of a threatened miscarriage is vaginal bleeding accompanied sometimes by intermittent pain. However, a quarter of pregnant women have small blood losses during early phases of the pregnancy and, of these, 50% causes the end of pregnancy.
It is estimated that 25% of all pregnancies end with spontaneous abortion and three quarters of these occur during the first three months of pregnancy.