The premise ⤵
From Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), from the Prophet ﷺ, he said,
"Allah loves sneezing and HATES UP. Therefore if one of you sneezes and praises Allah, then the duty of every Muslim who hears it to mentasymitnya (say yarhamukallah). As for yawning, then he does not come except from the devil. Therefore, let's keep yawn as much as possible. If he comes to say 'haaah', then SATAN will laugh at him. "(Narrated by Bukhari 6223 and Muslim No. 2994).
Ibn Hajar al-Asqolani said, "Imam Al-Khathabi said that the meaning of love and hate on the above hadith is returned to the cause contained in the hadith. That is, sneezing occurs because the body is dry and the pores of the skin are exposed, and there is no feeling of satiety. This is different from the person who yawns. Yawning occurs because the body is satiated, and the body feels heavy to move, this is because the number of meals. Sneezing can move people to worship, while yawning makes the person lazy (📚 Fathul Baari, 10/607)
Imam an-Nawawi rahimahullah said, "Yawning is generally accompanied by a sense of weight, weakness and full in the body and more inclined to the nature of lazy. Yawning is propped up against the devil because he is the one who invites the passions of lust. (Hadith above) as a warning to stay away from causes that can evaporate, ie overeating or exaggeration. "(📕 Syarh Sahih Muslim: XVIII / 122).
If someone wants to yawn, let him keep it as much as possible, or by closing the opening of his mouth with his hand. This is in accordance with the hadith narrated from Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri radhiallahu anhu, he said that Rasulullah ﷺ said,
إذا تثاوب أحدكم فليمسك بيده على فيه فإن الشيطان يدخل
"If one of you STOPs then let him hold his MOM with his HAND because SATAN actually will come in." (Narrated Muslim No. 2995)