How to lose weight from 80 to 75kg in one week.

in #life7 years ago

All steemers hello!
Yes, being a bit heavy even in 80kg is not very pleasant (because I'm only 15 years old and I think that it's too much). And when you ride on a mountain bike on the steps or on the rocks you feel very good all the terrain (and I also have a bike for cross country not an enduro one), then you realize that you need to lose weight to engage your favorite sports without any problems. But the question is if mtb is a sport why I don't lose weith?
I have the answer; It's because I love eat and I don't know how eat less, so I decide to eat only at home not at school not at the party and not even in the friends house and what do you think? I lose 5kg in one week. But I think that not all the other people will lose 5kg in one week because we all are diferents. :)


Now I weight 75kg( yes I lose the other 5kg last week) and now I play football at school and basketball at free times and I think it will help me lose 5kg more.( Also I do push ups with my cat):)) I hope this part of my life will be interesting for you.


Good job mate, keep good work ;)