Virtues something to cultivate to change the world

in #life7 years ago (edited)

List of virtues
Virtue-Excellence in morals; A good habit; a character trait or quality valued as being good
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Let’s face it the world is pretty fucked up. It’s a reflection of our co-creation. Most people want to either fix it but think it’s an impossible task. A good place to start is yourself. Virtues are a good place to start. If you can fix yourself you can fix the world. The world outside is a reflection of the inside. Replace your vices with virtues and watch your world become beautiful. The people around you will change and your growth will spread out in all directions. I do believe this is the best place to start. What you feel, your habits, actions, thoughts, and beliefs create your reality. Your intention and attention create your reality once you fully realise this you can start consciously creating. You don’t have to have a reactive mind you have free will. (If your mind is really reactive meditate)

If you build a beautiful virtue garden in your head and heart. These virtues being nourish and cultivated with your intention and attention. Vices, bad habits, negative self talk, and addictions weeded out you can become a very powerful and truly loving, compassionate, benevolent person. One person can change and inspire change in others. People living with virtue will not be in need of a government. Communities with individuals with these qualities will be the most powerful and connected communities in the world. Communities is actually where we are living now, they just feel more separated in certain places. (This is no accident) Our ancestors lived in much more cohesive tribes for a much longer time then our current “civil”ization has existed.

We live in a time now where information is available to everyone. People are beginning to care about other things and they can see “The matrix” for what it is. It’s make believe, It’s an old game some children are still playing and some people really believe it to be real. They are making quite a mess. If you truly “woke up” and see this it’s ok if not everyone wants to stop playing. Most people don’t want to try something new. The removal of a parasitic system of oppression even though most people can see how terrible it is they will hold on to it. Stockholm system is alive and well. So what can we do well the system is alive and well and so encompassing. We can show defiance (Oh look a virtue) anywhere we can. Well first I will say this always start with gratitude in everything you do. (It’s pretty amazing to even be alive and conscious on a planet that is so amazing and fruitful) The government is fictitious it’s not real. It’s a bunch of people pretending and not most people just following along caught in distractions, and stuck with programming that was jammed into them. True LAWS don’t need paper and pen to be created. They don’t require judges, or philosophy. Some are more subtle and harder to see then others but they are still very true. Karma for example is very real but often hard to see, it’s cause and effect. (sometimes there’s a delay and we can only pick up on a tiny fraction of actual reality with our five senses) It’s a word that has been changed and misunderstood. Many words have been misunderstood, misused, removed, lost, manipulated into something else.

So the way we talk to ourselves is a huge thing and it reflects back on to us through our culture. Jordan Peterson talks about psychopaths and how some of their beliefs and behaviours. He uses and example of Hitler. Hitler was an over-controling tyrant who was disgusted by things obsessed with purging away what he believed to be unclean. A lot of systems act in this way currently. I have a hammer and everything starting to look like a nail, when they are actually screws and all types of different things.

A virtuous system would look to heal a drug addict by addressing the problem at the source. It would not throw him in a cage and put him in time out, where rape is likely to happen.

Bad behaviours stem from issues that are being addressed. Like it or not you carry around these issues until you shine a light on them, feel and heal them. That could be an easy process sometimes and much harder other times. We are all unique in that aspect. It’s more of a practice which something you do regularly.

There are 120 virtues on this list more might exist but these are this is a pretty comprehensive list.
(The list is from virtue science) I will post on every one of these. If you pick up on of these virtues the others start to fall in naturally. The vices will always come up and if you meditate enough to watch your thoughts and actions you can pick up on when they come up.

It’s quite the list pick one word that speaks to you. I will post on most of these virtues if not all. (I really hope I don’t regret that promise) Look them up yourself.
Here’s the first one I did.
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