Cheers to Coffee Lovers

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Meeting my sister for a coffee in The Coffee Club because it feels nice to hear her loud laughter than to see her type LOL.


Posing for wefie before our Latte arrive


And finally here comes our Latte. Cheers to all coffee lovers !



I hope you are enjoying your coffee too


may i join?

Haha. Sure why not. All coffee lovers can join me for a cuppa coffee😄

Great! I'm about to have my …morning coffee in a bit... ^^

😁 when it comes to coffee, I love it. Even it means drinking coffee at 2am in the morning after my night shift ends. When fruends ask dint you need to sleep, my response would be nothing can stop me from drinking my coffee. Haha. But i know i can never sleep immediately with or without coffee anyways. Haha😂

I get it!! I did that before too.. but now, I work at home, so it's more convenient to have morning coffee...