Its a nice weather in udaipur with the maximum tempeature of 28 deg C and humidity of 52 %. Its local time 3:34 PM and slightly raining here.
Lovely weather here, its an international tourist destination with lots of americans, europians , asians , australians, south americans people are visiting very frequently.
Udaipur is famous for its royal life style, life on the bank of Fatehsagar, Pichols, Swaroop Sagar, its also calles the Vanice of the west.
The population of udaipur is just below 1 million. People are very tourist friendly.
Udaipur is well connected by Delhi, Mumbai by Air, Train and Bus. Its approx 700 Kms from delhi as well as Mumbai.
I hope this information will be useful for those who are planning to visit India sooner or later