In The Search of Your Dreams and Passions

in #life6 years ago


We all talk about one’s passion, dream and meaning or purpose in life. Everyone keeps suggesting follow your dreams and find a purpose in your life, so you can can live everyday for it and love what you do.

But, nobody ever talks about how to find that passion and purpose in life. Everybody is a unique individual and has different capabilities hidden within themselves. Many people know what actually they want and what they need to do in life, but not everyone knows it.

If you have been following my blog, even I have mentioned quite a lot of times to focus on you dreams and passions rather than just following other people and running after success, fame or money.

But, what if we don’t know actually what is the meaning or purpose of our life? How to compete and stand out in the society? These mainly are the questions that are often raised in our minds, yet we don’t know the answer. So, today I am going to list out things from my own experiences on how we can go about doing it.

Know What You Don’t Want


We have always been focusing on the things we want and still we can’t figure it out many a times. To find what you want is important but to know what you don’t want is also equally important and that can help you in many ways.

To know what you don’t want is far easier than things you want in life. Right? So, just list out the things you don’t want. This way you will have limited options and list of the things you actually want.

And then, don’t focus on things you don’t want. Focus on the limited options and explore them out. With time, lots of research and hard work you finally will be able to find out your passions or purpose of life.

Still, if you can’t figure it out. Don’t panic. Just give yourself some time and think what you will do and want in life if you lose everything you have today. What is that one thing you will do for living? This may help you out.

Trust Yourself


Whatever happens in life, just don’t give up. It’s just the bad phases or situations of life that crop up from time to time. There is a great saying, “Life has many different chapters. One bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s the end of the book”.

So, never define yourself with that one phase or failure in life. Because, everyone is going to fail badly someday or somewhere. Be it in terms of success, relationship or anything else. But, you always have something to learn from it. And, if you don’t learn from your failure, then you actually fail in life.

So, just trust yourself and keep learning whatever life teaches you. And just remember one thing, “When one door closes, a bigger and better door always opens”. With this positive thought you are sure to build a new and better version of yourself.

“What is coming is better than what is gone”

Happy Soul


I really liked that part when you said that knowing what you don't want is equally important. This clears out so many of distractions and the path ahead becomes a lot clearer. Thank you so much for this amazing post :)

Yeah! Its really important to know what you don't want as it becomes clear and even we are on the safer side by not ending up choosing the wrong one.

Totally agree. Knowing what you don't want in your life is just as important as knowing what you do want. It helps in narrowing down the loads of choices and pick one that best suits you and your personality.

So, never define yourself with that one phase or failure in life. Because, everyone is going to fail badly someday or somewhere.

Yup. True again. Just because you've had a couple of rough days doesn't mean your life is trash. It simply means that it's life. It's like a video game: If there are no problems in your life, then you are not really living it.

Yeah, mostly people are really confused what to do in life because there are so many options and so many opinions of people regarding what to do in life. Knowing what not to do becomes really important there to help us decide better. And yeah, without difficulties, a person wouldn’t learn and grow in life.

In these days the focus of every people is to only earn money by legal or illegal ways. They don't follow their passion or they don't want to know about that.
Only some people follow their own passion and become successful in his life.
Today's main problem is that people have not patient. They want everything in just a minute.

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@rajesh97 That’s true. Money has become everything and it is kind of the reason behind many of the world’s problems as people are trying to make money by any means necessary, often times hurting other people in the process.

very true, society has us conditioned to expect instant rewards, instant results in everything. That is not how life works, it takes time for Good things to develop. A good example is the chinese bamboo tree. The first 4 and a half years this tree does not show outside the surface, yet you have to nurture and water it daily, then within 6months it just shoots higher and higher. Forget to water it once and you can forget the result. That is a concept hard to grasp especially for the generation growing up with all this technology. In regards to the money aspect, people chase money like it represents happiness. What most don't realise is that, noone wants to be a millionaire, we just want the life of a millionaire. We want to travel, eat good foods, be healthy etc But you need to become that person before it can appear in your reality.

great comment ill check out your profile now:)

Thanks @alexandrefx for checking my profile.
You give an example of bamboo tree, this is very good example that how life grow and develope after some time.
People need to have patient always.
Thanks a lot

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey Manisha, great share. Is it coincidence (i dont think so) but this is exactly what has been going on in my mind for a while and ive actually just posted sth today that i would love to hear your thoughts on if you dont mind (

Finding your passion is not easy, except for once you found it your like 'daaahhhh' how obvious. I find personally meditation and listing to what steven spielberg calls 'the whisper' extremely helpful. How do you identify or should i say differentiate the whisper from all the noise thats going on in our heads is another question, it takes practice and for every person its different. There are a few questions i like to ask myself to nuge me in the right direction, "what would i recommend to my younger self". This question when contemplated can bring up passions I'd forgotten I ever had. The thought process that will most likely go on in my head goes a bit like this "i wish i'd done this; i wish i could do this, i wish i hadn't gone down that road" and it just makes clearer what we already know deep within.

anyways i could go on and on here i love exploring the mind and its limitless possibilities. Ill follow you so we can connect and share insights in the future.

Have a blissful day and week,

Kind regards


First of all, thank you so much for your kind words. It really means a lot to me. Secondly, I really agree with all that you have said here. Those were some true words of wisdom. Generally, people are so lost about what their passions are even though deep within they have always known. Somehow, in the narrow minded society that we live in, we give up our dreams when we are getting older and ‘settle’ for what everyone else is doing. But as you said, we should listen to the whisper and do what we’d recommend our younger self to do. Thank you again for a wonderful comment!

A very interesting and thought-inducing article, as always, @manisha.jain9! 👍👍👍