more life: time is worth more than money

in #life7 years ago


If you want more from life, it helps to get more clarity with a few considerations about time and money.

Maybe you come to the conclusion that time is worth more than money.

Let's go.


 The claim: time is money
 The attempt: to save time
 The idea: investing time
 The statement: time is worth more than money

The claim: time is money

Is that true?

With time I can make money.

That's true. Every employee and self-employed person will confirm this.

You can make money out of your time.

Can I spend time with money?

Yes, if, for example, as an entrepreneur, you give other people money for their time. They help to provide a product or service that you can sell. So you bought someone else's time to make money.

Or if you pay someone to do something in their place (cleaning, accounting, etc.) so that you have more free time to do something else. You've made free time for yourself with money.

But that's not really time, right? Your time has not become more. Everyone has 24h / 7 days a week. No more and no less.

Money does not help to get more time. Otherwise, rich people would not die of diseases early.

To put it in a nutshell:

Money can not make time, only free ones.

The attempt: to save time

It is said that Germans, we like to save. Sure, with money that works. It brings more or less interest.

But how is saving time? Do you bring unused time to the bank and let you pay interest? Time goes by. Whether you like it or not.

You can not save time. If away, then away.

Therefore the question: what to do?

The idea: investing time

In something that is worthwhile. Use your time.

As the old Latins already knew: Carpe diem - use the day or literally "pick the day".

At the same time, they did not think of raising their legs and doing anything, but of moving as little as possible to the next day. Very close to the German proverb "Everyone is his luck blacksmith".

If you can not save your time and can not multiply like money, how about investing. Wherein?

In you
In humans
In education and knowledge

This suddenly makes a return possible.

The time you spend today in the gym or while running, you save yourself later with the doctor.
Time spent with friends or family will give you beautiful memories, a more optimistic attitude to life and a longer life.
Time spent learning and building knowledge today will bring you a job or source of income, more joy and possibly more money.

It pays to invest time. To pick the day. To take possession of him completely and to fill every hour with something worthwhile. If you let the day pass, he is gone.

"Time is a resource that does not regenerate.
Only invest, bring you more."

This brings me to the point:
The statement: time is worth more than money

To be clear, I love money.

And yet, time is more valuable to me than money. Because time is more precious in my eyes.

I can not save time.
I can save money and earn interest, i. E. it will be worth more.
I can not create time.
I can make money with money, but no time for me.
I can not stop time.
I can leave money. It will not be bad. Properly designed, it will not be less.

I can only use and invest time.

Since none of us knows how much time he has, I like the approach of shifting as little as possible to tomorrow and of considering time as a precious commodity. More precious than gold.


And to spend my time not so, for example, for a kettle for 3 hours to surf the Internet to seek offers. If I could possibly get it somewhere 2.10 € cheaper, I have invested 3 hours of life. No, I'm too time-stingy for that. My time is worth more than 70 cents an hour. Finally, I can also use a pot to boil water. I own it anyway.

Time is a finite good, money is not. Therefore, time is worth more to me than money.

And how is it with you?


Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Hey wise-old-man thanks for sharing this quote!