Excellent video friend, now the question is there really reincarnation?
"There is no doubt that there is a return to life, that the living are born from the dead, that the souls of the dead exist." (PLATÒN, GREEK PHILOSOPHER OF THE 5th CENTURY AEC, CALLING SOCRATES)
when a person dies, a "soul" invisible sale of the body and rebirth in one or more successive existences, the sea in the body of a human being or an animal, or even in a plant.
There are those who are convinced that reincarnation exists, but how to know if they are right? What does the Bible teach about it? To begin with, what to analyze how a belief originated
Until the moment in which life was after death, we will have to see what has prepared us, destiny so we will find out, the moment in which we will enjoy life and the beautiful gifts of nature that has left us the creator.
And what about GERMS?? :D