¡Very strange phobias! Know them ...

in #life7 years ago

It can manifest the irrational fear of being close, between or in the company of adolescents.

ERGOFOBIA (Fear-work)
It is a sickly and persistent environment to work, to perform work tasks or the simple act of working, this fear does not manifest itself in an obvious way and is a psychological problem. The person suffering from this phobia is not necessarily a bum.

The parascevedecatriafobia is the fear or hallucination of fear on Friday the 13th and is related to triscaidecaphobia, which is the fear of number 13. Some people who suffer from this phobia avoid complying with their normal routines this day.

TAFIOFOBIA (Fear-being buried alive)
People who suffer from this phobia fear being placed in a grave while still alive, and may be declared dead by mistake. Studies have made it possible to know the existence of cases in which people were accidentally buried alive, there are open coffins where people with raised hands and palms are appreciated upwards, which is a reflection that the person was alive.

PANOFOBIA (Fear-everything)
People with this psychological anomaly are afraid of everything, also known as non-specific fear, but more afraid of fear itself. This phobia is also called omniphobia, it is often noted as a secondary state of schizophrenia.

NEOFOBIA (Fear-new)
Those who suffer from this phobia suffer fear of new experiences or things, it can also manifest itself as a lack of interest in trying new things or getting out of the routine. This term is also used to refer to anger, frustration or fear of change in general. A phobia related to neophobia is technophobia, and is that people who suffer from this phobia prefer to remain technological illiterates because they fear the new technology, which is also called cainotophobia.

PTERONOPHOBIA (Fear-tickling with a feather)
In this condition people reflect fear or hatred of feathers, especially tickling with feathers. When a baby is tickled and there is no knowledge of the expressions it manifests, it can trigger this phobia, since the child may feel trapped, be aware of the baby's laughter when it is tickled because these little ones They may be expressing joy or on the contrary, experiencing anguish.

GIMNOFOBIA (Fear-nudity)
It is nothing more than the phobia of seeing naked people and being seen naked. It may be related to a sexual phobia or a feeling related to the thought that if a person sees the naked phobic they can continue to imagine him naked. One of the causes that generates impact in this phobia is the feeling of inferiority with respect to the body, since people tend to buy themselves with the stereotypes that the media present.

COULROPHOBIA (fear of clowns)
This phobia is suffered by young and old but is more frequent in children, patients who suffer from this phobia express that the most scared of clowns is overloaded makeup, through the red color of the nose and especially the shape of the hair. This fear can be generated due to a scare with a clown or after having seen a portrait or movie of a sinister clown.

And the most strange and superstitious phobia is hexakosioihexekontahexafobia (Fear-number 666) people suffering from this phobia show discrepancy or obvious rejection of any figure or writing that is related to the number 666. This phobia is also abbreviated "trihexafobia".

¿Do you suffer from any of these phobias?


I do not think suffer from any of these phobias but I don't particularly like clowns.