A definitively discrepant subject between the opinion of each person, very extensive to include it in its totality; defined by Royal Spanish Academy how "state of pleasant spiritual and physical satisfaction".
For me, happiness is something that comes and goes, so, I do not think it's bad to feel sad sometimes, it's all based on the balance of emotions or not, ¿How would you know the light if you have not been in the dark?
The Buddhists call this "the fundamental darkness".
Being happy is the main goal of any human, we all try to focus on adjusting our life to achieve those goals that would give us great satisfaction. Aristotle argued that all humans pursued happiness.
On the other hand, according to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, happiness is the feeling that power grows, that a resistance has been overcome; explaining this as the overcoming of something that oppressed us, focused on the solutions to problems that we present throughout life feeling the solution as a liberation.
While it is true that happiness is reaching a spiritual balance, also physically, it is chemical agents (neurotransmitters) that are in our body and are involved in this process. Called hormones of happiness, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins play a fundamental role in our well-being; then I briefly define each one:
Dopamine: Related to pleasure centers of the brain and causes feelings of joy, motivating to perform certain activities.
Oxitocin: Released when there is close contact with others, as well as in social interactions, eye contact or interest towards us.
Serotonin: Controls our good or bad mood.
Endorphins Produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during sensations of pain, excitement, eating spicy or chocolate, falling in love and orgasm.
Particularly, I have always believed that happiness is based on those significant and special moments, when you achieve some of your personal goals, as well as those moments that we share with our loved ones. On the other hand, at the physical level: dancing, exercising and experiencing the adrenaline can also give you great moments in which you will feel fully.
Also in my opinion is what I see as a common mistake in other people in the search for this emotion:
Make all your days THE BEST DAY.
"The secret of happiness is not in the search for more, but in the development of the ability to enjoy less"
- Socrates (470 BC - 399 BC)
Many people believe that happiness can be planned, that it can be seen in the future idealized in our thoughts, those that we may have at night before going to sleep. The error lies, also, in believing that you will always be fine.
Consequently, making each day worthwhile with what we like may be the secret, as expressed by José Ortega and Gasset “happiness is the life dedicated to occupations for which each man has a unique vocation”; doing activities that completely absorb our attention and please us.
I conclude by emphasizing the above with this thought:
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