Thoughts about the Altai Mountains

in #life8 years ago

For a long time I was not here, but here's a post about the Altai Mountains.

I always wanted to get acquainted with the legends in this mystical place, when you spend the night in a tent that can hide in a noisy river. Or unusual stones, growing trees and strangely dried woods. There are different legends about the Katun River аnd now I'll tell it to you.

There lived in one village the poor guy Biy and the girl Katun - the daughter of the rich Babyrkhan.

Young people loved each other, but the evil Babyr did not want to give the daughter of the poor guy. And they decided then to escape. Were waiting for the night and set off on different roads to drive the pursuers off the road. They agreed on the place of the meeting in advance.

Now close to the place, their ways are going to unite, but Babyrhan suddenly rushed, ran after them, overtook them and ordered to return his daughter. Katun became stubborn, does not want to leave her lover, refuses to return home.

Angry Babyrhan turned young lovers into rivers. I thought that now they should not be together. But the love was stronger, Biya and Katun merged together, and the wide, great river Flowed on.

As the wicked Khan saw this miracle, he became petrified with anger and with his own impotence and turned into a mountain.

And now he's standing there. And if the full moon at 12 o'clock in the night to move away from the rock by 20 steps, and then turn sharply, you can see the evil face of Babyr looking in anger at the unselfish daughter of the disobedient daughter Katun.