Why run for happiness when she's here with us now? I quit looking for reasons to be happy. Are you wondering why? No, there's nothing negative in the middle. But I just realized that true happiness is causeless happiness.
Yeah, I'm happy and I do not know why! It's great to live, love, enjoy yourself every moment, and not know why you do it ... I think I've got you in line with your great source of happiness, then I think you've gotten into it.
Happiness, in my view, means freedom ... freedom of speech, freedom of action, freedom to be and living according to your own dreams.
Do you know how wonderful it is to be free? Do you know how wonderful it is to take a baby out of the street and dance with him, feel his smile and heart vibrant with yours? Do you know how wonderful it is to cry, to laugh, to fall, to get up ... to shake your head and hit, but can you stay happy?
I soon understand that happiness is not a destination, but it is the way! Then I ceased to worry, to upset or to fight against life. I understand that my happiness does not depend on anyone other than me. Then I started to live with passion and build my life that I want. For me every moment has become a blessing and it is an opportunity for me to share my enthusiasm and passion, dreams and love. Including love, because then I realized that I really allowed love to enter my life.
Love, like happiness, is a state of consciousness. You can not love another if you do not love yourself first. You can not make anyone happy, if you are not happy. So, from the moment you choose to love and enjoy yourself, then you will automatically make people around you shine around you.
Do not you often feel that life overwhelms you and as if it's getting rid of your fingers? Then it's time to be aware that you are in the present moment, and start getting the best out of it.
Every time a trace of negativity gets you, stay calm and become aware of your condition. Accept it and then start transforming it, doing something with pleasure. Including a smile can often do miracles. Force to smile, because the signal will reach the brain.
And I did this many times and it worked terribly well. I changed my whole state and the whole day from the moment I realized I was in the present moment.
HERE and NOW are the elements of happiness.
Choose to live with passion and give happiness to flow through you. Choose to be yourself! Being happy is a conscious and inspired choice I recommend you to do at any moment of your life!
Indeed. Very well said motivation. Thanks for sharing this.
very creative and brilliant
Very good art @marius19 . . Thankyou for Thankyou for
Enjoy the beauty of life. :)
Yes, there is nothing more than to be free.
great post well happiness is always just arround the corner we have to look and work to have it anyways amazing work i love it ^^ keep it up and can u follow me and upvote some of my poste i d be greatfull am new :* @marius19
So beautifully written and inspirational. I am happy from wishing and so know exactly what you speak of. To be happy by ones own nature than by outside situations is the way to enlightenment and freedom.
Thank you for your beautiful post. Upvoted and resteemed.
Upvoted and resteemed. :)
Well said my friend. I am happy most of the time, but what gets me is living in an oppressive regime. When I am rid of that true happiness will wash over me. I know what your saying but it hard to do when you get threats because your poor and cant’ pay bills you are not agreeing to pay :)