Life - our most valuable and important possession.

in #life7 years ago

Life - our most valuable and important possession.

The most important things in my life are not really things.

Here's what I'm talking about:

Health is the most important thing in life.
Why is it really worth sacrificing our health?
I do not think there is anything in the world that deserves.


Love if you give love and receive is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable experiences in life.
Instead sacrifice love and time spent with loved ones for what? For money, fame and power?
I do not think money, fame or power deserve to sacrifice love.


Family is a great blessing that gives you life, the family is the most important in life, the family is always with you along the way of life.
Without family we can not enjoy anything in life.

Friends can choose the friends you can keep around you. It does not matter how many friends you have, it matters their sincerity. Choose to be surrounded by people you can trust and who appreciate who you really are.


Freedom only when you are free to make your own mistakes, you will understand what freedom means. You need freedom to explore your choices. You need the freedom to make these choices, to decide for yourself and to see where you are going.
Freedom - the simple fact that you are not in a prison or oppressed by someone who imposes everything you do. The fact that you can walk freely, without money in your pocket, but you are free.


Wow so nice flower photography

such beautiful flowers 🌺 have a nice weekend, GREETINGS!

Very Nice post Marius beautiful words 😊😊

I know you this is a person who will succeed in the future,
because your work is very amazing in this social media,
and i really enjoy this,
the post is very amazing friend !!

a very meaningful story, I am glad to be able to enjoy your amazing flower photography, may your day please your friends and always make you successful.

I love your flowers.