"Remember, happiness does not depend on what you are
Or what you own but just what you think. "
Dale Carnegie
Matthieu Ricard (Buddhist monk and philosopher) speaks of how we can train our minds to generate a sense of accomplishment. From him I learned about ... Habits of happiness or what makes people happy?
Leave for a few moments your mind to let go, relax, and think about what happiness means to you. Try to visualize it with your mind's eyes. I'm sure you see something concrete: see a pile of money, see the beloved person, you see the boss of a big company, finally see something palpable. But now you're trying to visualize what would make someone happy. Look at the street, the first old man coming back from the mud on the sidewalk. What makes him happy? The same money, the same people, the same material aspirations that you have? Or maybe it would just make him happy that you think about him at this moment? Well, the conclusion you have to draw from this exercise is that happiness is not in shape and consistency. It is ephemeral and capricious and varies from person to person. And with age you understand that persistent happiness is the soul, not the material.
"Someone says," I'm happy - because ... " Well, the mere fact that it gives a cause of its happiness is evidence that it does not possess true happiness. For true happiness is a causeless happiness. Yes, you are happy and you do not know why. Find that it's great to live, breathe, eat, talk, and you do not know why. Nothing brought you: no inheritance, no gift, no beautiful woman. You sound happy because there is something coming from above, a spirival element that does not come from yourself, like water flowing from heaven. For most people, happiness is related to possessions: homes, money, glorious decorations, or women or children. No, true happiness does not depend on any object, no possession - it comes from above, and you will be amazed to discover in yourself, unquestionably, this wonderful state of consciousness. He masters you and you do not even know why. Here's the real happiness. "(Mikhail Aivanov)
Happiness has a behavior ... atypical: it comes when you do not expect it, it stays a bit, and most of the time you realize it is not "e", but it "was".
I have often thought that the famous expression "happiness is in small things" ... more precisely when:
- You get a flower without reason
- in the blue sky see the shade of a look
- The first snowflake touches your nose
- You see the sea first in a year
- listen to your favorite song
- Drink a hot chocolate, when outside are -15 degrees
- You love
And the list remains open ...
People share common customs. I propose to take together 7 steps to happiness:
Be part of what you think. People can have an active role in the community, find refuge in Christian faith, be members of social clubs to support the causes they think or dedicate to their own careers. In each case the psychological outcome is the same. They take part in actions in which I strongly believe. This brings happiness and makes sense to life.
Spend time with family and friends. A happy life is one spent with family and friends. The more your personal relationships are, the more we interact, we become happy people.
Reflect on good things - too often people focus on negative things and do not reflect on the positive ones, the successes they have achieved. It is natural for a person to want to correct unfavorable circumstances but there must be a healthy balance in all. It is important to reflect on good things while we are struggling to direct the evil ones. A continued general consciousness of daily success can have a positive effect on emotional happiness.
Exploit the resources you have access to. Usually, a person is shocked to see a person with a disability that shows great emotional happiness. How can anyone in such conditions be happy? The answer lies in the way they expose the resources they have. Stevie Wonder was blind, but he used his music for the sake of music and has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it.
Create happy endings whenever you have the opportunity. The power to conclude a thing is remarkable. The end of each experience has a profound impact on how a person perceives the experience as a whole. Read a fairy tale or novel to challenge you. Even if the story captivated you, would you recommend that book to a friend? People always remember the end. If happiness is happy, experience produces happiness. Try to leave things in a happy note, create happy endings in your own life whenever possible.
Use your personal abilities to get things done. Each possess unique abilities. We have different talents and skills. Emotional happiness is achieved when you use the resources with which you have been endowed with maximum capacity.
Enjoy the joy of simple things. The best things you have in life are free. They appear in the form of simple pleasures from time to time. Just have time to look at the bloody sunset in the water with your loved one. These moments will bring happiness and color to life.
Happiness is contagious, let's get sick of happiness!
Happiness is contagious and propagates "in waves" in circles of friends or family members.
Researchers have determined that groups of happy and unhappy people are formed by criteria of social and geographical proximity. For example, the probability of a person being happy increases by 42% if a friend of his, who lives less than 800 meters away, becomes happy himself. This percentage drops to 25% if your friend lives less than 1.5 kilometers and continues to decline as the distance increases.
The chances of being happy are increased by 8% in the case of cohabitation with a happy life partner, 14% if a happy parent lives in the neighborhood, and even 34% if the neighbors are happy people.
"Variations in a person's level of happiness can spread in waves to the social groups to which he belongs, and generate a larger structure, or even a kind of network, thus forming groups of happy or unhappy people," the authors of this report Professor Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School and Professor James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego.
"If happiness is really transmitted through social relationships, it could indirectly contribute to similar transmission and a (good) health state.
The Dictionary of Psychology defines happiness as "a special state of accomplishment of something that has been achieved and has caused an unexpected or long awaited or tentative expectation. It manifests itself as an euphoric state of intense living that not only provokes a kind of powerful recovery, but also an energization, a state of receptivity and tolerance, an increase in the desire to make others happy. "
When pleasure reaches a certain intensity and under certain conditions, it can allow access to genuine joy, like happiness. But joy is a reaction to an environmental event and usually has an external cause, and happiness can come from inside.
Joy is also a short-lived emotion, while happiness is always associated with a lasting feeling. We can conclude that joy, like pleasure, is one of the ways to gain happiness.
Happiness is undoubtedly approaching the world of emotions: it is lived in an involuntary, physical and psychic manner, it can often be lacking in words and no one can decide to be happy to order. Each of us has our own vision of happiness: that it is or is not possible, as action or rest, that it depends on our efforts or the chance.
We have part in the life of pleasant moments, which gives us pleasant sensations and we do well, favoring the appearance of happiness, but it is necessary to be aware of these moments in order to have access to happiness.
Anxious people run out of happiness for fear of losing it, and those with low self-esteem sometimes obstruct happiness, unconsciously, from the same fear they will suffer when it disappears.
What to do to be happy? Here are some suggestions:
Let's make the decision to be happy and do something about it, not to remain in the position of the impartial spectator.
To make efforts, not to go back to any difficult thing; Happiness is cultivated and builds in time, little by little.
Enjoy all the forms of happiness: the happiness that we live, that we have the necessary lives, that we belong to a family, collectivities and that we can do many activities.
Let's not leave ourselves prey to the mahniri, giving us moments of happiness and detachment as often as possible.
Let's happily do a purpose, not an obsession.
"Gardening" happiness, because it involves efforts and time, without feeling disappointed if it does not occur immediately.
To cultivate a consciousness of happiness, to keep our eyes open to it.
Do not accept any happiness that wins to the detriment of most.
Be optimistic, assume in the uncertainty that there is a favorable solution and act to put it into practice.
Let's see the happy people and learn from them how to behave.
Be happy when everything goes well and not miss a moment when we can be happy.
Published in Articles-Articles
Nice post, Marius :) I totally agree with you. I think it also depends on what you do :) have a great day! cheers!
Thank you and I'm glad you like it @alinabarbu
You're welcome!
nice post @marius19;:)
Thanks !
you are welcome:)
Or maybe it depends on when we don't think at all. Being in the flowstate is the purest thing we can experience. Thank you for sharing.
Excellent work! Bravo @marius19!
@marius19 really like the Carnegie to read.