The Way to Happiness!

in #life8 years ago

The most visible sign of wisdom is a good mood! Many years ago he lived in southern India, in a cave on Mount Arunasala, a wise man, whose fame far exceeded the borders of the country. It was called Ramana, and the people had given him the name of Maharishi (wise). He lived in great simplicity and still considered himself the happiest man in the world and the world believed strongly that Ramana knows the great secret - the secret of the horse that leads to happiness ....


Many envious kings have given him power and money, and even tried to threaten him with death, to rip his horse's secret to happiness. The more I insisted, the more unhappy they were, for Ramana Maharishi was silent and his happiness was bigger in the day. One day a child came to him and said to him with simplicity:

  • Sir, just like you, I'd like to be happy too. Please tell me what is the way to happiness. Ramana Maharishi, seeing the child's purity, said,

  • I will show you the way that leads to happiness, Come with me and be very careful. This is not easy. Most times, any weightless way does not go anywhere. The path of happiness is a steep and steep path and that is why you have to go from step by step, slowly and with great care. It is shown by God only to the elect. Children, the great secret of the path to happiness is nothing but a series of steps you have to do with great concentration and conviction throughout your life.

The first step is to know that God exists in all things in your life, and for this you must love Him and be thankful for everything you have and all the events that happen to you; Be happy with what you have and what you do not have; This step is called DEVOTIUNE.

The second step is to love yourself every day. When you wake up and before you fall asleep, he says: "I am important, I have value, I am capable, I am intelligent, I am loving, I expect much from myself, there is no obstacle I can not defeat." This step is called SELF RESPECT.

The third step is to put into practice everything you say you are and, if you think you are capable, do what you propose; If you think you are intelligent, act intelligently; If you think you are capable of love and devotion, love without fear everything God has created around you; If you think there is no obstacle that you can not overcome, then propose goals in life and struggle for their realization until you get them. This step is called MOTIVARE.

The fourth step is not to envy anyone for what he has or for what he is; They will get their share, you will get yours. Do not keep your grudge against anyone in your heart, for this bad feeling will not let you be happy. You must let God do justice and you forgive and forget. This step is called ONESTITATE.

The fifth step is to take absolutely nothing from anyone you do not belong to; Remember that, according to the implacable laws of nature, if you do, tomorrow you will lose something of greater value. This step is called CINSTE.

The sixth step is that you do not have to make anyone suffer physically, mentally or spiritually; All beings of the Earth have the right to be respected and loved. This step is called NON-VIOLENCE.


The last step is to carefully observe what is around you; To always discover in every thing, event, being, his good part and not the shortcomings. Help those who need it without thinking that you will not get anything in return. Love the truth, even if it is disadvantageous to you. This step is called DISCERNAMANT.