The Difference Between Life Role Leadership and Organizational Leadership

in #life8 years ago

The most dramatic difference between life role leadership and organizational leadership involves the permanence of the relationships the leader is trying to influence.

Life role leaders function in enduring life long relationships as parents,spouses, siblings , friends and citizens, where duty and obligation cannot be easily relinquished or discarded.

Organizational leaders, on the other hand , operate for a season in an environment of temporary relationships and change. People in positions come and go in organizations for all sorts of reasons. Whom you will be working with or for in given year can change in an instant. This lack of stability often breeds a degree of reserve and qualified commitment acted out in the arena of competitive office politics.

Most of the leadership that shapes our lives does not come from leaders with titles on an organization chart; it comes from leaders in our daily life role relationships.

Take a moment to think about the people who have most influenced your thinking, behavior, and life path. As you recall their names and faces, you will realize the leadership, titles, and positionsof organizational authority are only part of the leadership landscape. Now think of all the relationships in which you have the opportunity to influence the thinking and behavior of others, and consider how often in any given situation you face the choice:

                                                                               " Am I seeking to serve or to be served?"

The answer to that question will depend on whom we choose to follow.

In continuation of my story of the Leadership of Jesus Christ and how to lead like Jesus , the Second key question i need to ask myself is :

                                                  "Am I Willing To Follow Jesus As My Leadership Role Model?"

Thank you for reading through and hope you find this article useful
Will continue my articles of the Leadership of Jesus Christ as well as on Leadership.

Have a blessed day and God bless