Wow, yeah, a century off on your facts. Not exactly giving me a lot of confidence that you're not completely as crazy as your comment makes you sound. And, D.C. is under the jurisdiction of congress, so, not sure where you're getting your information.
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Sorry, got my wires crossed on the Act of 1871 and the Federal Reserve Act...
This new post on the topic I just finished is linked below if you are interested:
I am not yet perfected, but I am a work in progress getting better each day...
For comparison and credibility sake:
my error:
1871 to 1939 is actually only 68 years
.035% total scale of 1939
68 years of 100 year century is a 32% error, So if passing were to be considered the norm at 70 % your comment would have to be a fail as well.
Now can we get past our own personal faults and examine the issues at hand?