What Ever is Going on in Your Life, You are Attracting it

in #life8 years ago (edited)

If you're not succeeding on Steemit, the fault is entirely your own!

As I've been working to learn and establish myself on the Steemit platform, I've run across a lot of people who seem to think that they are not succeeding because of the actions of others. I used to think this way too, but I've come to realize that the greatest successes in my life have happened in spite of what others did, based on what I focused on and expected. Consequently, my new favorite phrase has become, "What's the best that could happen?"

The law of attraction has been stated in many different ways. The most well known probably comes from the teachings of Jesus, you reap what you sow. It is the idea that you get out of life what you put into it. Most people stop there, they think of their overt, public actions towards others, and assume that if they do okay on that part, they are in good shape.

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There is More Than What You See

There is a lot more to it. In fact, the law of attraction is at work in your life, right this instant, as you read this blog post. As you sort these words and ideas into little piles to keep, not keep, think about later, or even ignore, you are setting up a pattern of events that will ripple out through your day, your week, your month, and the rest of your life in tiny little echoes.

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• We get what we think on, always, every time
• The universe does not distinguish negatives from positives, this is why focusing on what you do want is so important, because focus is focus, and you get what you think on
• Right now, you are thinking, and those thoughts will bear fruit, good, bad or indifferent

Every single word you say, every thought you have, every action you take, shapes this bag of seeds that you sow. If you are cur-rently reaping something that you don't like the fault, I assure you, can be tracked back to something you focused on. It may have been something you feared, it may be some-thing you hated, but you focused on it, long and hard, with a lot of emotion, and it at-tracted like thoughts, which turned into events that manifested in your universe. All of it.

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You Don't Like it, But it's True

I know this is hard to accept, particularly if it is the first time anyone has ever said this highly offensive thing to you, that you are responsible, on some level, for even the shittiest thing that ever happened to you. But, it is true. What the universe cannot do is control how you respond to it. You will dwell on this, and you will either push it away, or you will accept it. Here's what you do.

• Watch. Look for the next few days at your life, notice events and how you feel about them.
• Writer them down, keep track, but don't judge anything for at least a week
• Track everything, down to the small details, everything that happens

Once you have some data, look at it. Write down what you thought about each of these incidents, before they became a part of your reality. You thought about them, didn't you? On some level, you either loved it, feared it, hated it, studied it, questioned it, the inter-actions have endless possibilities, but, you focused on, and attracted, every bit of it.

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Here is the fun part of this experiment. Change the way you think. I mean it. Make a conscious decision to think differently about the negative, or uncomfortable expe-riences. Don't ignore them, but find a way to either focus on the positive aspects, or replace the thought with something positive, but change it. Now, set your mind on the things you want. Not what you don't want. When it comes to stuff you don't like, but can't get around, try this.

• Think of the best possible outcome
• Say thankyou for that outcome, yes, even though it hasn't happened yet
• Be specific about what you want, say it out loud if that makes it more real, or write it down, but make sure you remember it.

Now, watch this again. Look at your life and track it, keeping that positive frame of mind for one week. Write down all of the events of your life as you did before, just keeping track, not judging. When you have a week's worth of data, compare that week to the week before. You will be surprised at the difference. You will begin to be the archi-tect of your own life. You will not experi-ence everything you want to, some things will still happen that you do not like, but you will notice a change for the better.

The more you practice, the better you will become. You may never, in this life, be able to attract everything you want. It does not always work that way. There may always be things that fear, or doubt, will make impos-sible for you. The more you succeed at get-ting the life you want, the more you will want to succeed, and the fewer doubts and crippling fears will creep in to rob you of your desires.


I'm a big believer in this phenomenon and agree 100% with this. This is very well written as well.

Thank you, glad you liked it. We build our own universe to a large extent. It's pretty amazing really, the things that only exist in our thinking because they are widely accepted and practiced.

Great post and so true, upvoted and following ☺

A blanket statement like: "What Ever is Going on in Your Life, You are Attracting it" is false. If someone starts harassing you, trolling you online, or someone does you harm in real life, you are not always attracting it and to blame. Some people have psychological issues and like to be malicious to others.

But yes, on the heading: "If you're not succeeding on Steemit, the fault is entirely your own!"

That is how the title can validly apply. But not as a blanket statement.

Take care. Peace.

Krnel, if those things are happening to you on the regular, you are attracting it. And, for the record, in some way you did attract it. Those are just the facts. I didn't make this up. Yes, there are people who are insane, so what? How does that negate any of this? It doesn't.

what fact? do you attract your upbringing? your parents? your specific timeframe you were born in?
Take this dire statistics for example: 88% of the men born in 1917 in russia died in the WWII. How did they attract that?

Yeah, good luck with blaming others for what's wrong in your life. I'm not here to argue you into opening your eyes, but to express truth.

This reminds me of the Baghadvad-Gita when it discusses how energy is provided for all actions, whether positive or negative, to allow a human to engage their free will.

We give energy to our intentions, and use that coupling to manifest our desires in the physical world. Change our intention, change our world. great read, and even better reminder.

Buddhism is misunderstood in my opinion. the whole idea of Buddhism is that the pain of desire is what makes us all unhappy, not that we didn't "attract" enough.
I totally agree with the energy provided, but the outcome is uncertain no matter how much you want it.

I agree, outcomes are never guaranteed. I definitely did not mean to imply Buddhism is about attraction, just that it reminded me how one of the ideas was that energy is provided amorally, and that t is our desire that shapes that energy and our experience and what orbits us.

you must be right. there is no such thing as randomness or malice in the universe.

You can blame others, or you can take responsibility. You only have the power to change yourself.

the wisdom to know the difference

Agree with your point of view. This applies not only to success at steemit but to life in general. We attract what we think about most or what we fear most. Therefore we need to make sure that we have positive thoughts most of the time.

I agree. If we keep the scales tilted toward positivity gratitude, it changes things for the better.

An attitude of gratitude will defintely help. There is so much we can be grateful. The subject matter of the law of attraction is well covered in the successful DVD The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Have you read her book, "The Magic" ? it is all about gratitude and will remodel your entire life if you follow it.