Back From The Brink. This Ship Will Never Sink!

in #life3 years ago (edited)

Q: What Is The Best Thing About Hitting Rock Bottom

A: The Only Way Left To Go Is UP!!!

There is no doubt that we have all suffered set backs over the past few years which is why it will come as no surprise to hear that I have also had a rough ride on this roller-coaster we call life.

I am not special, by no means unique and I don't feel alone in the struggles I've faced during these times of insanity and uncertainty. We've all had to dig deep and somehow find the strength to battle onwards and upwards and for me, this part of the journey is the most rewarding. For those who have followed my journey on steemit you will know that I am experienced in the art of pulling myself back from the brink. I was homeless at 15yrs old, now i am rich beyond my wildest dream's

Back From The Brink.

I will no doubt share with you all the detail’s of the personal struggles I've endured since my last blog 3yrs ago but for now,
the message I would like to get across is that, I'M BACK!!
I feel stronger, wiser and more determined than ever before. I now have the clarity, energy and drive needed to get back to what I love doing the most.

The Rebirth Of @markwhittam


I look different, feel different and although my goals and aspirations have changed somewhat I still have the same core values and beliefs.

What You Can Expect From Me Going Forward.

In many ways I have changed but my intent is to continue bringing valuable content to this community in much the same way as I did before. My commitment to @familyprotection is high on my priority list and I'm hoping with the blessing from @canadian-coconut I will get the opportunity to pick up where I left off and really get my teeth into exposing the devastation caused by the so called Child Protection Services.

I will also be voicing my opinions on current events such as mandates, medical dictatorship and the merging of Corporation and Government which has unquestionably led to an all out assault on our freedoms and liberties.

Another passion of mine is the Freeman Movement and Common Law. Ever since I stumbled across John Harris (R.I.P) 14yrs ago I have been an avid follower and researcher of this subject. I believe that in the current climate it is of up most importance to know our God Given inalienable rights as sovereign citizens and to educate ourselves on the differences between Common Law (Thow shall not cause loss or harm) and Corporate Law.

I have been trying to plant seeds and share knowledge on this subject for over a decade but It's only recently I have noticed people are starting to listen and take notice. It's only when we are faced with blatant tyranny do we start to question our leaders and begin searching for the truth.

This Ship Will Never Sink.

One of the reasons I stopped blogging on steemit was because I could see the writing on the walls. I put so much love and effort into steemit and I was convinced it would become the next big thing. Upon realising that steemit was doomed I was devastated.

Luckily for me the community spirit I loved about steemit was the very thing that stopped that ship from sinking. The vessel has been renamed but the crew-members are the same, minus a few pirates.

With this communities blessing I am ready to jump on board and go full steam ahead.

Looking forward to reconnecting

with all of you x


First let me say that it is good to see and know that you are alive and well. Things took a scary turn back then and I along with others were always hoping you and your beautiful family were okay. I look forward to hearing an update on how they are all doing as well.

I’m glad you feel better and stronger. We all hit certain life changing points in our lives that grow us and makes us wiser.

Welcome back! It is really good to see you and I know you’ll get settled and comfortable here quickly because as you said although it’s a new platform/name it’s still the same community and support system :)

Looking forward to catching up with you more ~

I'm super happy to see you are active on here. Thank you for reaching out to me. You have always been such a great supporter of my blogg with your uplifting comments and words of encouragement.Thank you @crosheille

I hope you and you lovely family haven’t suffered too much during these crazy times.

I am off to bed soon but will swing by your blogg tomorrow and see what you've been up to.

Take care!

You're welcome.

We’ve been hanging in there. Never know what to expect for tomorrow so I just take it one day at a time. It sure is a different world we’re living in now.

You take care too ~

I've thought of you often throughout the years. THREE YEARS!!!
Anyway, you do look different, but you look healthy, and that's the most important thing.
I hope you're feeling good.I had to pinch myself! The funny thing is, I only get notifications for a handful of people in my Discord, when they post, and you're one of them. When I saw the name, it had me startled for a while, until I realized what was going on. You're BACK!!!! WHOOHOOO. I asked @canadian-coconut about you before but after a while, I think she didn't know much more than I did.

Glad to see you back!!

Yes! I was so happy to have Mark reach out to the me other day, and I mentioned to him that you had been asking about him too. Yay!
,,, CaCo

Yes, we must have manifested him back I'd say. I know we've both been thinking about Mark, especially recently. And here he is haha. Good stuff!

hey :) is your familyprotection project still ongoing?

Hello there! Linda told me you was asking about me, how are you? Are you still in Ireland?
I'm off to work now but when I get back we'll do some catching up.
yes I know, 3 years. nuts!

Anarchopoloco!!!! Wow u do get about, good on u!!

Well, as you can see, not in Ireland anymore haha! We moved to Mexico in November. You know my history a bit in Ireland, and that has made me very paranoid, and I just couldn't live looking over my shoulder constantly, trying not to make any mistakes, and risking the same kind of treatment again. So we already wanted to leave but when this shit show started, it became apparent that we needed to step it up a bit. Yeah, three Steemfests later, and two years in between, I finally made it to Anarchapulco!
I'm very curious about how you've been doing in these past years.
3 years is a long time but as you can see, you haven't been forgotten!

It's nice to hear of your return; steemitmany avoid exploring was IMO admirable. was a much more exciting and rewarding place when you were active there @markwhittam... Your support and engagement focusing upon issues of importance, that

cause and Hive as well; welcoming you back.I suspect @canadian-coconut and @familyprotection regard you as an asset for the


Those we're the good old day's when we all thought steemit was gonna take over. We had some fun though and I'm looking forward to doing it all again. Thanks for the lovely comment.Thanks @angryman

😎 You're welcome, Mark.

You look amazing Mark! I am definitely looking forward to hearing more about your journey, and also your take in current events. I had also drifted from the platform, started back up again this past fall, and I'm really glad I did.

@canadian-coconut continues to be a light in a darkening world. A genuine friend with the kind of integrity that, honestly, I need to know is still out there. It's been hard not to become jaded by people, and from me that's saying something because I have always looked for the best in people.

Glad to see you back! :0)

Thank you Linnet, I feel amazing too! I have discovered the power of now and frequency meditation which has done wonders for me, life changing. It really helps smother the darkness, that and people like Linda!

I'm glad you made the decision to start up blogging again, doesn't it feel great to be back?

Peace x

Welcome back Mark! Hugs :D

Thanks Lynds! Good to see you survived the hejin assault, let's hope you all manage to do something about that Justin.

Take care!

Oh my gosh, what a surprise seeing you back! You may think "who's that weird punk-looking girl" but I started over on a new account as I had this nice stalker guy that I needed to get rid of as I wanted to rule out his negative vibe completely.

Believe me when I say that we connected many times on Steemit in the FP community. @canadian-coconut knows who I am, I don't want to mention that out here though. Now that I've worked my ass off to come back even stronger after just abandoning my old account like that, I don't want to look back.

I have asked Linda about you a few times as I was wondering where you were, how you've been. Glad to see you back and can't wait to read more from you!

Cheers to re-connecting!

Hello, hmmm! I wonder who it could be, look forward to finding out. Thanks for welcoming me back and here's to reconnecting.

Take care @thisismylife

Mark!! I was so happy to hear from you the other day.
I really missed you the last couple of years, and I'm glad that you have found your way back to us. It seems like a lot of people missed you.

Thanks Linda, It was lovely talking to you on the phone.
Now, my only regret is that it took me so long to reach out.

Feels great to be back.

Hot Damn! Never though I'd see the day. So happy to see you back, Mark! Looking forward to hearing your stories. Welcome back!!!!

Thank you my friend!
Good to see you're still active, and thanks for all the support you showed before I vanished.
Feels good to be back!

So glad to see you doing so good and can't wait to hear all about your last 3 years.Warm welcome back. It's so good to see you and hear from you @markwhittam.

Thank you @joalvarez, great to hear from you. It's lovely to see all the same people on hear. it feels like home. I would especially like to Thank you for your continued support to @familyprotection with the give back sunday posts. great idea!

I totally agree with you how hive feels like home and we are a big Hive family.

No problem. I love #familyprotection project and so thank you and thank you @canadian-coconut for all your amazing hard work. That is the least I can do to help.

I can't wait to see youd future posts on the mandates, dictatorship and freedom.

mark you're OK! i was thinking about you just last week.. really wondering if you were OK as i know you had a hard time before you left.. very happy to see you looking GOOD and in one piece..

welcome back! i hope you enjoy the Hive brother <3 xx

Hey Alex, It's nice to that you and other members of this community were thinking about me. I often sat and wondered about how everyone was doing and if the community spirit was still going strong. Glad to see it is. Thanks bro.

I'll be seeing you around @eco-alex

the community has changed.. and it is still going! :)
very happy for you that you discovered the amazing benefits of meditation.
for me its #1 priority.. only way to stay sane and make good decisions..


In this age of dark enlightenment, many people do not believe in God.
If you wish for your ideas of common law to hold, there must be a foundation that is more universal and true than even God.

The foundation must be unbreakable by all life, no matter what they believe.

Either way, I'm with you on this. Good luck and I'm proud that you have righted your life.

Common Law is natural law, the only true law. Thow shall not cause loss or harm to a fellow human being
It's the law of the land. The only true Law.
Everything else is corporate law (maritime law) which is contractual. We are fooled into verbal and written contracts by the use of legalese (The language of law)
Also, when you were registered at birth a corporation was attached to your name which is YOUR NAME in capital letters. When you are in THE DOCK in court and they call out YOUR NAME and ask you to stand up, when you stand you have just contractually agreed to represent that corporation.

If you have not broken common law and there is no victim, there is no crime.

I shall be blogging a lot about this subject, so stay tuned. there is a lot to learn

It is a good law, but I see no reason to believe in it.

It seems as invented as all other laws I've ever seen. It's not that I want to disagree though. I just question all things.

I'm philosophically skeptical, and cannot see a justification for this law, proving that it both exists, and is useful, and even that it is a good and just law.

What about it would compel a wicked antagonist to believe in it? If a person believed the exact opposite, and lived a life dedicated to harming people and causing loss, what would cause them to convert, and believe in your definition of common law?

I just question all things.

The way I see it, the best and brightest question everything.

What about it would compel a wicked antagonist .. what would cause them to convert

Nothing to speak of, aside from consequences of course. I think the "convert" part is a trap we all know, like controlled resistance if you will. I call this the "dogma" or "propaganda" scenarios I picked up from TV or the commercial churches that twist, confuse. There is propaganda in law and church too and it is no less sophisticated than the propaganda to promote lies and hide the truth.

I had to separate this out in my own head so I could see what people are talking about if or when they express faith based concepts. I realized it is just a definition and some have a broad definition for it and others a more narrow. A word without a definition is nothing but confusion. I equate it to real science (not seen in TV or corporate big-pharma) where one can be more effective with a "theory" and use a hypothesis and see if it plays out and, if not, adjust the theory and experiments. I use rational scientific process but I have a lot of fun and success entertaining and basing it all on theories. Not unlike the real Tesla (I assume) where he seemed to see and know things that lead him to discover amazing inventions. We may never know the how but we can see the result. I get use to tagging my foundational beliefs as a theory so it is easy to change and adjust myself as I see more. But I had blocks and triggers I had to question as well so I could even do this. The kicker is, the more I learn the more I see there is a design or architecture at play. Nothing new under the sun they say. And I don't think about it as converting anyone. They have lessons to learn. II think of t as free will; the yen and the yang; creation and destruction. Sometimes you have to tare things down to build something new so I don't even see it as all bad or wrong. There are just wrongs that need to be dealt with. It is as if this simulation had millions of years to find ways to program, test, or otherwise challenge us. I agree, keep questioning everything even the stuff you don't know to question (the search for those fits my definition of faith or theory).

Yeah, I'm happy you pointed out the problems with the idea "convert." If you read any of my posts, you'd probably see that I was using this word exactly in the terrible way you suspected, and so I'm glad you could step around that trap.

And yeah, I mentioned to someone else the "common law" idea, but gave it some harsh remarks, comparing it to a mere "wish" or a plea. Yet, it is indeed a noble plea. To think that some people -deliberately- harm others or cause them loss, makes them sick indeed.

I figure we'll get along just fine then, so no worries. I wish no harm or loss upon you. =p

Yea, hard lesson to learn. As soon as I learn something I want to share it too but that can be harmful to someone else even if it is right for me. Anyways, there are levels of higher jurisdiction too. Trying to jump too high too fast and the system does a fantastic job of knocking us back down. It is really good at that .. lol .. I follow Alphonse Faggiola who does a fantastic job of simply keeping his rights but he does know the difference between a kangaroo court and a constitutional court. Unfortunately that is more specific to the United States of America. The common wealth countries don't have as much of that middle layer, but it is there I hear, I just have not found someone doing a great job in the system in a common wealth country yet. That is a really good step in this case in the United States of America and one I want to know pretty well even though I prefer to get above that jurisdiction. He just knows which of "their" rules to learn and uses it. He really has some impressive stories. That is speaking their language too. But again, some just don't want to deal with that and go for the gold.

Aho brother!

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Welcome back @markwhittam. Not a lot of people blogging in familyprotection these days, sometimes I feel like a "lone" voice so it will be wonderful if you blog again on this important issue. The common law sounds very interesting. Looking forward to learn more about it. Good luck here on Hive.

I'm so glad you're back @markwhittam keep up the good fight!

Heyyy, welcome back!!


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Great update! High Regards for the struggle!
you may want to checkout BLURT.Blog until things shakeout here in the short term.

Screen Shot 2022-03-14 at 11.01.27 AM.png

just an opinion however.

Thanks @frankbacon