If I wanted to control the lives of every single human on the planet I would introduce a digital ID combined with a centralised digital currency and a social credit score system. Then, I would implement this control grid through already existing applications such as The Vaccine Passport alongside Apple Pay and Android Pay.
Well, luckily for you, I'm not a power hungry psychopath. After all, this sort of thing would only work in China or North Korea, Right?
In this two part post I will compile evidence of how governments, backed by multinational corporations are setting up a control grid right before our very eyes. Part one will look into digital id, and how without this seemingly harmless initiative, this plan would fall flat on it's face.
The Digital Kingdom
In the United Kingdom of Great Prison, a Digital transformation is being driven by the Government Digital Service GDS which is part of the Cabinet Office. This lovely bunch have decided that they must have a way to digitally verify everyone who wishes to partake in society. As usual, this is all done in the name of safety.
For everyone to be safe from the threat of online fraud and pedophiles the government have kindly devised a system to protect us all. Hoorrayyy!!!
GOV.UK Verify is the new way to prove identity online.
Safety St.
Ok, so I can now feel safe online, but what about when I'm going to the supermarket, airport or simply going for a coffee with friends?
Don't worry, now you can be safe wherever you go because believe it or not, soon we will need a digital id to do the simplest of tasks. Such as food shopping going to the pub or a festival.
You could argue that this is all in the interest of public safety, to protect us from a 'deadly' virus or to stop underage boys and girls from buying alcohol in a supermarket but I can assure you, that's not what this is about.
Think about it, if you have a system that grants you entry into a cafe, bar or even society, then it can just as easily deny you access, and whoever has control over this system, has control over you.
The Writings On The Wall.
Everywhere you look you see the writings on the wall. Governments, corporations, tech giants, The world Economic Forum and wealthy philanthropist's are all beating the same drum. There is a clear global policy agenda at work here and the end result will no doubt lead to more power for them and less freedoms for us.
Take a look around, do some research in your country and see what your government has planned for you and your fellow citizens.
The Nail In Our Coffins.
In this post I have highlighted a clear agenda to get everyone to adopt a digital ID. I have also pointed out that this system alone could be used as a control mechanism that we have NO control over. In part 2 of this series I will go into detail about how one country in Europe is miles ahead with this digital control agenda and how this is working out for it's citizens.
I will then finish by showing how combining a digital ID, with central bank digital currencies, and a social credit score system would spell disaster for the average human and how the controllers of this grid would make even the evilest of dictators green with envy.
Your Input.
Please feel free to add your perspective on this issue. Am I being paranoid? Is this a conspiracy theory? Are you noticing an agenda in your country? Both positive and negative comments are welcome.

Thanks for leaving us with all the links. I’m gonna take some time to look and read through them. I’ll be looking out for part 2.
There has always been a plan, an agenda. Lately I’ve noticed several things that are not so hidden any more. It doesn’t deal with the subject of your post so I won’t mention now. It seems that since not enough people are looking into these matters or questioning anything they feel there’s no need to hide anymore. It’s not so hard fooling people when they are so quick to go along with what their told anyway. It’s a scary truth.
Very true @crosheille
It's always when we are distracted by huge events or too self absorbed that we don't see it coming. Like you say, they have revealed themselves, but they were clever enough to wait until most people in the west are so detached, with no faith and chasing riches.
This digital ID is bigger than most people realise, I know you are religious so you know all about the mark of the beast.
I have always relied on alternative sources of information so it comes as no surprise to me.
One thing I have noticed though, there are more people awake now then ever before. We are winning.
Thx for stopping by
I look forward to your series.
Thanks ca-co, I was hoping to have a debate in the comment section about this matter but I forgot it was a Saturday and everyone's out. speaking of which I'm of out for a meal at my favorite restaurant. thanks for stopping by @canadian-coconut
Hi Linda, I have a new series on the go now. It's not showing up in my blog feed because it's through 3speak. Let me know what you think, criticism and or praise is welcomed. It's a little cringe Hehe!